Gain Grow Retain Community Expectations and Privacy Guidelines
Thank you for being part of our community. To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation. By joining and using this community, you agree that you have read and will follow these rules and guidelines. You also agree to reserve discussions and shared files…
Let's Get Some Help!
If you need to get any help with the GGR platform or an event, please reach out to @Heather Wendt either through messaging on the community or directly at heather@gaingrowretain.com.
Let's Reset Your Password
Whether you are struggling to remember your login password or just maintaining a secure environment, resetting your password is an easy process. Change Your Password (know current one) I. Navigate to your profile by clicking on the circular icon on the top right a. Select ‘Edit Profile’ in dropdown window b. Click Change…
Quick Tips for the GGR Community
Search before you post: Before you create a new post, use the search box to see if your question is already out there — someone may have already answered it. Ask: Ask questions about best practices, technology, integrations, workaround, and anything else you want to learn about Customer Success. Be descriptive: Use a…
Let's Sign Up for the Weekly Digest
1. Click on your profile picture and select Account & Privacy Settings 2. Select Notification Preferences 3. Click the box under Weekly Email Digest titled ‘Send me the email digest’ 4. Make sure you have identified any categories you are interested in following by clicking on the Manage Followed Categories link so new…
Finding Other GGR Members
Trying to figure out if someone you know is in the GGR community? Our search feature can help! Click in the Search bar and hit Enter Select the Members button If you know their user name or email address, you can enter it in the correct fields and click Filter Click on their name to see their profile and/or send them a…
Let's Talk About "Following" Management
Once you are following a conversation, you may find that the notifications become too intrusive. To manage this, click on your profile picture and select Account & Privacy Settings Click on the Followed Content link on the right hand side This will list both your categories and conversations. Click on the dark blue bell on…
Let's Talk About Your Image
Having conversation with ‘shadow people’ is a lot less comfortable than conversing with someone you can see. Profile pictures allow you and your peers to feel more connected by giving you a feel for who you are talking to. Navigate to your profile by clicking on the circular icon on the top right Click on ‘Change My…
Let's Update Your Profile
Once you’ve logged into your new account, you can update your profile to help others in the community learn a little bit more about you and give the GGR team information that will help us target our communication to you. Navigate to your profile by clicking on the circular icon on the top right Select Edit Profile Fields…
Let's Build Your Signature
Adding a signature allows you to share your title, your company, and your social links whenever you post on the GGR community. Navigate to your profile by clicking on the circular icon on the top right Select ‘Edit Profile’ in dropdown window Select Signature Settings from right-hand task bar Enter the following…
Let's Work on Your Notifications
Notifications allow you to find out what is going on within the community. You have the ability to control what and how you receive them. I. Navigate to your profile by clicking on the circular icon on the top right a. Select ‘Edit Profile’ in dropdown window a. Select Notification Preferences a. You have the option to…
Let's Reply
Add a Comment You can engage with any post through leaving answers, feedback, or sharing additional information by adding a comment On the post, scroll to the bottom of the thread to the Leave a Comment box Enter your information (notice that you have all of the same features as when starting a thread) Click Save Draft if…
Let's Start a New Conversation
Posting a new thread or replying to an existing thread is the life blood of the Gain Grow Retain community, knowing how is as easy as following these steps. A reminder that self-promotion is not allowed in our discussions. Please read our Community Guidelines for more information Post a New Thread *You must be logged into…
Let's Connect
One of the wonderful things about being a part of a community is the ability to connect and network. With the GGR platform, you have a number of ways to do this. Direct Messaging On the GGR website landing page, click the envelope icon in the upper right corner A pop-up with latest message will appear Click on ‘Create New…