Let's Bookmark a Post

Heather Wendt
Heather Wendt HLAdmin, Member Posts: 329 Gain Grow Retain Staff
GGR Staff GGR Live!  Attendee 2024 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls
edited February 22 in Welcome to the Community

There are so many valuable conversations happening in the Gain Grow Retain community, so bookmarking a post you would like to have quick access to is a great way to revisit or take a deeper dive into the topic. It will also allow you to receive notifications when someone contributes to the post through email or notifications within the platform.

I. Once you are logged into the GGR community and run across a discussion you would like to bookmark, click on the Ribbon icon (Bookmark) in the top-right corner

Before Selection

After Selection

  • After refreshing your page or navigating to a new page you will see the count next to My Bookmarks under Quick Links increase
  • Click on the link see a list of all bookmarked items
  • Remove any bookmark by clicking on the ribbon icon to remove the selection from your list

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