Anyone read this book? Thoughts on implementation appreciated....

Jared Scoubes
Jared Scoubes Member Posts: 16 Contributor
edited July 2020 in Strategy & Planning

Our Customer Experience team recently read the book: Never Lose A Customer Again (Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days) by Joey Coleman. Anyone else read this? Thoughts? We struggle with implementation because it seems at times that so much focus and attention is on sales and not on improving the customer experience to ensure their success. I'd love to hear any ideas out there. Thanks!



  • Tonino Kundjung
    Tonino Kundjung Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    edited June 2020

    My 2 cents;

    I haven't read the book yet but one of the things that I have seen worked in the past is by having a dedicated Customer Success team and a separate BDM/New Business type role. It will come with it's own set of challenges (particularly between pre-sale/handover to post-sale). 

    The BDM's are mainly 'hunters' and towards the end of the sales cycle - they introduce a customer success manager(CSM) in to the mix.  So after the contract is signed - the customer is already familiar with the CSM, and they can focus more on on-boarding/ensuring the customer is getting to their intended value quicker. As a result, this can have a higher chance in improving the overall customer journey and experience.

    In my opinion, if the BDM's focus is split between hitting their numbers and implementation - the one who will suffer is the customer and in turn - the company's annual recurring revenue (Renewals, up-sell) 

    I hope this helps and I would love to hear your thoughts/feedback as well. 
