When checking your email, whats your favorite, or least favorite email intro line.

BenB Member Posts: 76 Expert
Third Anniversary 5 Comments 5 Insightfuls Name Dropper
edited October 2023 in CS Conversations

"I hope this email finds you well"  is the business version of  "... we need to talk." 



  • Will Pagden
    Will Pagden Member Posts: 99 Expert
    edited July 2020

    I asked this in a team call recently @Ben Bunting, interestingly it varied from CSM.

    One member went for the "here is your renewal paperwork" whereas another went for "this isn't working right".

    I managed to use this as a coaching opportunity. It was a lighthearted fun question, but told me lots about the members on my team (I'm newly in). From that I could understand what the enjoyed, what they didn't enjoy and was then able to bring up that topic in 1:1's. 

  • BenB
    BenB Member Posts: 76 Expert
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    edited July 2020

    smart! yea i bet you quickly learned how your team views their customers.  

  • gurd3v
    gurd3v Member Posts: 70 Expert
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited July 2020

    Not many customers do this (nor should they - they're the customer!), but I had a customer start off asking how I am doing, recognizing that while they were not renewing and that we would address and resolve that, he wanted to make sure I as a human was doing well. 

    I've been making an effort to start each of my interactions with a customer checking in on them, their team and their loved ones. 


  • BenB
    BenB Member Posts: 76 Expert
    Third Anniversary 5 Comments 5 Insightfuls Name Dropper
    edited July 2020

    Those moments are the best!  "who mee?"  

  • Gabriel Fallas
    Gabriel Fallas Member Posts: 53 Expert
    edited July 2020

    I change my intro and closing statements regularly - they really do depend on A) Type of relationship I hold with the customer and B) Topic at hand. 

    I have found that with certain customers, cutting straight to the reason behind my email has been quite effective and often times more of an attention-getter. I also start with more "You" statements than "I". 

    I always include the human element- I do believe that's important, but I've been steering away from having that be my first 1 - 2 sentences. 

    Subject lines are the key for me. They'll frequently dictate how quickly I open an email. 

  • John Bosch
    John Bosch Member Posts: 26 Expert
    5 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited July 2020

    For me, its all in the subject line.  I want to know very quickly what the topic is and if I need to take action, or if its an update.  Example of my favorite renewal email:  

    Subject:  Product Name - Upcoming Renewal - Action Required.  

    Body:  The body of the email is why you should renew followed by a calendly link to find time for a call that works. Then a personal note at the end but short sweet and truly personal, not generalities.  

    "Checking In" is an immediate skip in my inbox, unless I know the person well.  And if I know them that well, they are either doing that sarcastically because they know it drives me bananas, or I haven't had the "checking in" conversation with them yet.  

  • Russell Bourne
    Russell Bourne Member Posts: 61 Expert
    Second Anniversary GGR Blogger 2023 GGR Blogger 2021
    edited July 2020

    Probably a good idea that you use a pattern interrupt for the subject line and/or the first sentence, simply because it'll help you stand out in someone's busy inbox.  

    How off-the-wall can you get?  Depends on your relationship with the recipients and your EQ.  If it was me, I would stay away from any kind of cheesy sales line (even as a joke).

    Honestly, time is valuable and you're probably best served by getting to the point and trying to have it be light and even fun - again, if the audience is up for it.  

    Humanizing your communication is always important, but more than ever in tough times.  I agree with those who say to close with it rather than open.  Many studies show peoples' feelings about you are more based on how you close interactions than any other time.