Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 260 Expert
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edited October 2020 in CS Org Conversations
Good Morning - As we founded Gain Grow Retain earlier in 2020, we recognized that we could be doing better to advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within customer success (and within our software companies). We have since formed a committee to help us find a path forward where we can take actions that will drive momentum. 

Gain, Grow, Retain is committed to being a community that promotes diversity, equity and inclusion for its members and provides resources for customer success professionals within their organizations. The purpose of this survey is to understand and establish a baseline of our membership.

Through this anonymous survey, we will gain information to further our DEI initiatives - this will help us listen to our membership on where we can focus our time, energy and resources. 


If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.

Jeff Breunsbach
Founder, Gain Grow Retain
Director of CX at Higher Logic
Top 25 Influencer 2020


  • Lauren Mecca
    Lauren Mecca Member Posts: 29 Expert
    edited October 2020
    The survey took me just 3 minutes and will provide insight that helps our community grow. 
    We appreciate your participation everyone!
  • Anita Toth
    Anita Toth Member Posts: 246 Expert
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments Photogenic
    edited October 2020
    @Jeff Breunsbach -- I didn't know what a DEI survey was until I clicked on the post. I'm wondering if there are others who might not know either.

    If you'd like more people to fill out the survey (I had no idea this post contained THE survey), maybe change the post title to something more descriptive.

    (Sorry I can't even think of a title to suggest. Day's end and I'm just spent. ?)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 260 Expert
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Insightfuls Photogenic
    edited October 2020
    Thanks @Anita Toth - just updated it, appreciate the recommendation.
  • Will Stamatis
    Will Stamatis Member Posts: 9 Contributor
    First Anniversary
    edited October 2020
    What if we had DEI as a topic of a Leadership office hours? I know diversity is just one component of DEI, but one of the issues that keeps me up at night is ensuring that we're continuing to hire, retain, and promote diverse talent. 

    My experience has been that companies tout some refrain along the lines we want to hire diverse talent without compromising on quality, and they don't realize they're equating "quality" with specific and exact experience for roles in fields/companies that are not diverse (e.g. majority white). I'd love to have some real discussion on how other companies are navigating challenges like these, particularly within CS
  • Russell Bourne
    Russell Bourne Member Posts: 61 Expert
    Second Anniversary GGR Blogger 2023 GGR Blogger 2021
    edited October 2020
    I just completed the survey.  It was fast and I encourage everyone to do so.

    I'd like to emphasize that doing right by the components of DEI is not charity.  Any group is stronger if its members bring diverse viewpoints, experiences, and ideas to the table.
  • Nick Mehta
    Nick Mehta Member Posts: 10 Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Thanks for taking this seriously and sending this - just filled it out!
  • Waqas Hussain
    Waqas Hussain Member Posts: 2 Seeker
    edited October 2020
    Just took the survey. I'm glad to see we are discussing and benchmarking the community as it relates to DEI. A more diverse CS community makes a stronger CS community. Thanks for doing this.
  • Lauren Mecca
    Lauren Mecca Member Posts: 29 Expert
    edited October 2020
    Will - thanks for raising this common misconception - many seem to perceive quality as a barrier to diversifying. I've passed your suggestion along as a topic for our DEI office hours with a guest expert - to be announced soon!
  • Brian Hartley
    Brian Hartley Member Posts: 184 Expert
    100 Comments First Anniversary
    edited October 2020

    Great call out @Will Stamatis .  Or "we will only hire the most qualified candidate" or " we posted the job and we didn't have any diverse applicants" .  List goes on and on.  Would always appreciate a conversation with a larger group!

  • Ravindra M.K
    Ravindra M.K Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    edited October 2020
    Thanks for focusing on DEI topic and conducting this survey. Submitted my feedback and inputs by taking this short survey.
  • Nils Vinje
    Nils Vinje Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    Third Anniversary Photogenic First Comment
    edited October 2020
    Done! Thanks for pushing on this Jeff and the GGR DEI committee!
  • Marco Carrubba
    Marco Carrubba Member Posts: 8 Contributor
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited October 2020
    @Jeff Breunsbach thanks for creating the survey and for driving this very important topic: in my team we thrive for Diversity and Inclusion on a mission to create an environment where all can contribute with their opinion, where mistakes are tolerated and where the diversity of our own histories can be treasured and combined. Diversity is our super power!
  • Matt Myszkowski
    Matt Myszkowski Member Posts: 143 Expert
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited October 2020
    A shameless plug, but me and a few of my colleagues recorded a series of podcasts and webinars on the topic - they can all be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or most other podcast apps or just check it out direct on my website.

    Gender Diversity in CS (Panel DIscussion) - https://www.customersuccessmatters.com/webinars/gender-diversity-in-customer-success

    Racial Diversity in CS (Podcast) - https://www.customersuccessmatters.com/podcasts/special-episode-customersuccessmatters-live-racial-diversity-in-customer-success

    Gender Diversity in CS (Podcast) - https://www.customersuccessmatters.com/podcasts/special-episode-customersuccessmatters-live9628719

    Let me know your thoughts.