What is Your Most Powerful Case Study? I'll Go First . . .

Dan Conroy
Dan Conroy Member Posts: 6 Contributor
edited October 2020 in Metrics & Analytics

Hi Everyone,

A recent sidebar convo with several GGR members culminated in us sharing our most powerful case studies. You know - the kind of case studies that include a client ROI sufficient to make their decision to renew a no-brainer. As a means of learning from, and inspiring, one another, can you please share your most compelling case study. Don't be shy - be proud of what you have achieved for your client and hopefully we can all learn from one another how to create the most compelling case studies. I'll start the ball rolling with mine below . . .

The Most Powerful Case Study that I recall was one that General Motors agreed to do when they were my client back in my Rosetta Stone days. This one was special because it included a verified ROI of 726%, because it lead to a 3x renewal, and because it changed the way we worked with our clients. The complete case study is attached here and available via this link Dan Conroy posted on LinkedIn

Can't wait to hear about your favorite and most powerful case study! Please Share – don't be shy?
