CS Conversations

CS Conversations

Template for Interview Assignment

Dana Gibilaro
Dana Gibilaro Member Posts: 16 Thought Leader
First Anniversary
edited August 2023 in CS Conversations
Hi CS Community! 

I am wondering if anyone here has any great assignments that they currently use during the interview process they are willing to share! We currently have an assignment that requires candidates to create a website and answer a client specific email example, but we are looking to focus it more so we can really see their CSM skills in the form of a written assignment. 

Scenario based questions and email prompts may be the best way, but I would love to see what some of you are using and compare it to what I am drafting up!

If you feel comfortable sharing it here, that would be wonderful! If you would like to message me privately, that works too!

I appreciate the help! 


  • Steve Botz
    Steve Botz Member Posts: 5 Seeker
    edited April 2021
    We have a role open for a CSM that will be managing a long-tail of accounts. So we created a "case study" with some prompts for them to respond to. It's been a helpful supplement to the process


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