Training new Employees

Sophie Quinn
Sophie Quinn Member, CS Leader Posts: 24 Expert
Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
edited August 2021 in CS Org Conversations
Hey guys, 

We're a business of 20 people in NZ. I am the only CSM in our company. I originally started as a Support Specialist, then introduced CSM to the business, and have moved into that space. 

Since we are a small business, I also manage the Support Team as well as the CSM Processes. 

I have a young graduate employee who has just joined as a Support Specialist. Do you have any recommendations for Support based courses?

Main areas of focus: 
  • Empathy towards customers 
  • Conducting an engaging meeting or phone call
  • Working with tricky customers 
I know there are some awesome CSM courses out there, but I am not aware of many support-based ones?

We are currently in a COVID lockdown here, so thought it would be a great time to get her into a course.


  • Jagjit Swain
    Jagjit Swain Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    edited August 2021
    Hi Sophie,

    Linkedin Learning has got some very good Learning Paths available for Support specialists. I would recommend exploring them. 

    Jagjit Swain