Author – Anita Toth 11/13/2020
I'm trying something new to help GGR members with questions around using customer feedback to reduce churn.
This blog is PART 1 of a 5-PART churn reduction series
Over the 5-PART series, I'll be posting different aspects of using customer feedback to reduce churn.
You’ll learn:
➡️ how to increase survey response rates
➡️ the 2 best places to gather customer feedback
➡️ how to use your feedback to discover where to reduce churn first
➡️ how to uncover your customer’s true wants, needs and desires
➡️ the 3 specific places to use customer feedback to lower churn
My hope is that you'll read the entire series and discover some actionable information about how to use your customer feedback to decrease churn. 👍
Let's get into it.
"How do I increase the response rates to my surveys?"
This is one of the most vexing question for anyone who has ever sent out a survey.
And here’s the reason why:
We all know there are areas that can be improved in the customer experience.
We know that customers churn because they’re not happy.
We know some of the reasons why they churn but not all of them.
The more customers participate in surveys, the more data is available to make strategic decisions on what needs to change in order to retain customers.
That’s why surveys are sent out in the first place – to gather useful data to inform those strategic decisions.
How do you get people to participate?
Before I answer that, I want you to think back to a survey you filled out recently.
How did you feel filling it out?
Did you even notice that you felt anything?
Most of the time when I fill out a survey, I just go through the motions. I pick a number or just leave a one sentence comment. I really don’t feel much one way or another.
If I’m upset, I will write a novel detailing the precise ways that I was disappointed or left feeling upset.
It could be the same survey I’ve taken a hundred times before. But if I’m feeling upset, I will fill it out much differently.
The key to increasing response rates is to influence the FEELING your customer has BEFORE they fill out the survey.
That sounds logical, right?
The challenge, of course, is how do you get your customers to feel strongly enough that they want to fill out the survey?
CHURN PART 2 is about how to generate that feeling so customers want to fill out your surveys. 👍👍
Reply below if you want me to tag you in the next post!