December 2022 - The Customer Success Operating Model
While other teams have a number of tried-and-true operating models, Customer Success has not yet developed a standard set of frameworks and models to help teams build and scale. What does exist lacks consistency and interoperability across different functions and teams. Having a simple framework that can be applied at each…
November 2022 Leveraging Your Community with Peer-to-Peer Engagement
This week, Gain Grow Retains Heather Wendt led Office Hours with a focus on CS focused peer-to-peer engagement through community. By providing the opportunity for customers to engage, many organizations saw that product questions were often answered within the community by customers. In fact, one organization saw 95% of…
October 2022 CS Leadership Office Hours - Fighting Burnout with 1 Focused Hour
This week, Ryan Johansen joined Gain Grow Retain to share some tips on fighting burnout. “Do more with less” has long been a familiar status, but with COVID, a remote workforce, and economic issues beginning to be felt, stress justs keeps building, especially on our leaders. Ryan shared his own journey to realizing a…
September 2022 - Breaking Down Silos to Drive Cross-Functional Collaboration
Our September Leadership Office Hours focused on the need to break down silos within our organizations, and Emily Garza showed us what this can look like. In order to make sure that your customers are having their needs met in the most effective and successful way, cross-functional collaboration is a must. So how do you as…
August 2022 - Scaling CS
How do you do more with less? The age-old question that haunts customer success leaders. In a 1-to-many situation it can be difficult to find tactical ways to show just how a customer is doing. You have data, maybe a few emails, but that 1:1 relationship depth of knowledge is no longer possible. So how can you continue to…
July 2022 - Metrics That Matter
This week, Emilia D’Anzica from Growth Molecules™ joined us in the discussion of Metrics. The leading question was “How do you lead and motivate your team with metrics?” What are some of the metrics that not only should be used, but should be fully understood and embraced by your team? Recurring Revenue Monthly Recurring…
June 2022 - Building Connections
This month, Phil Weiss of CipherHealth led a discussion centered around building connection, safety, trust, and belonging within a team. With a remote workforce, it’s more critical than ever to ensure each team member feels connected and engaged. Without the in-person opportunities to bond, how does a CS leader help make…
May 2022 - CS: Connecting the Customer Story to the Money Story
May’s Office Hours for CS Leadership focused on the importance of connecting the goals of Customer Success to the commercial goals of your company. Whilst "happy customers drive the right commercial outcomes" is correct, you need to be focused on drawing the correlation (or causation) between the two, Connecting the…