Product Demo Survey

Bayron Toruno S.
Bayron Toruno S. Member Posts: 20 Navigator
5 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
Hello GGR,

Happy day!

I'm currently working on improving our current Product demo process for potential new clients and want to hear their opinion. We would like to implement a survey for this. See below the areas we want them to qualify:

Ease of Demo Request Process

Efficacy of the Product Demos

Relevance of the Resources shared in Follow-up emails

General Feedback

Before focusing on the questions I would like first to start with how should we measure this. Should we let the new client rate

 1 - 5/ 15 - 10 

  • Very satisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
Any advice will help a lot! Thank you in advance  :)


  • Harsh Shah
    Harsh Shah Member Posts: 40 Expert
    5 Comments Name Dropper
    Hi @Bayron Toruno S., hope you're well!

    Surveys are a great way to find common patterns and gaps in your demo process. Based on what you said and explained your need to launch a survey. Ask yourself do we really need to send a general question? Or we can get all the required data from these questions?

    If you still think that a general question can provide more value or visibility to your management then it's totally fine to do it. You can keep a 1-5 rating and add supporting text below like (1- very dissatisfied to 5- very satisfied). But honestly, it doesn't matter much in my opinion.

    Here are a few suggestions that you can try while implementing your surveys:

    1. Keep it short and use simple language that can be easily understood by participants of all backgrounds
    2. Explain the email why you're doing this and what the will be its result
    3. Based on your objectives, only ask relevant questions
    4. Make it as easy for them as possible (Add more multiple choice questions)
    5. Offer some incentives if possible or at least some value propositions for their time
    6. Avoid over-surveying your participants
    7. Ensure that all important questions are set as mandatory
    8. Share the approximate time they have to spend to complete the survey
    I hope this would be helpful! Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn if you've any follow-up questions.

    Best Regards,

    Harsh Shah

    Customer Success Manager, Woliba



  • Bayron Toruno S.
    Bayron Toruno S. Member Posts: 20 Navigator
    5 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Wow this definitely helps me and gives me a better understanding of what my next steps are going to be. Thank you a lot