How do you present "Learnings and Future Recommendations" at the end of the contract period?

Darko Kankaras
Darko Kankaras Member Posts: 17 Thought Leader
5 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
edited August 2020 in Metrics & Analytics
Typically, I create a slide for "Learnings and Future Recommendations" in a wrap-up report I present to the client at the end of the contract.

How do you handle this? Do you also include this in a similar way in a presentation? Examples are very welcomed as I am working to improve this process within our company.


  • Matt Myszkowski
    Matt Myszkowski Member Posts: 143 Expert
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited August 2020
    Hi @Darko Kankaras

    For me this is just a continuous reporting of the Success Outcomes we report on as part of the QBR. These are documented using my 3xO model (Outcomes, Objectives, Operational Tactics). For each Success Outcomes executed on, we have a tangible value ($$) assigned to it so we always have an ROI provided back to the customer. This is then totaled up at the end of each contract period so we clearly articulate the value we have delivered. 

    I hope this makes sense?
  • BenB
    BenB Member Posts: 76 Expert
    Third Anniversary 5 Comments 5 Insightfuls Name Dropper
    edited August 2020
    Hi @Darko Kankaras - good question.  This typically depends on the client and situation. We are having Executive Reviews with the client periodically , and this information is often covered as you've described it. 

    However depending on the renewal and if we have suggested opportunity for growh we'll often present these types of slides to display the recent success and open opportunities.