Onboarding SMB Segment Customers

Sai Arora
Sai Arora Member Posts: 4 Seeker
edited November 2020 in Strategy & Planning

Hi Everyone! 

For those of you who are onboarding customer across multiple at your company, what is your approach to onboarding SMB customers? 

We serve customers across SMB, MM, and Enterprise. Our SMB customers make up a majority of our volume but tend to have simpler use-cases for us to handle. However, they also demand a high-touch, white-glove experience which is coming at the cost of our MM and Enterprise customers. We've been playing around with a few ideas including trying to automate the onboarding experience for this segment and having a pooled Customer Success model where these customers get access to a CSA in a similar manner as they would Customer Support (first-come first serve, no assigned accounts, etc). We realize each of these would require a significant amount of time and investment  across multiple fronts to do correctly. 

What is your approach to onboarding SMB customers? 



  • Donna Weber
    Donna Weber Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Photogenic Third Anniversary
    edited November 2020
    Hi Sai,

    Sometimes smaller companies need more hand holding during onboarding than your large enterprise customers. 
    You might create premium CS packages to meet their needs.

    Check out my latest article:

  • Surendranath
    Surendranath Member Posts: 9 Contributor
    edited December 2020

    Hi Sai,

    Late answer.

    I believe there are a lot of ways to address onboarding for SMB customers. Few ideas as below:

    - Offer 2-4 hours of training and mention in the contract. You can prepare a common agenda to use for all these types of customers. Mention that anything beyond is above the contract (if they are demanding, you are offering them 2 more hours for free as a matter of good-will) 

    - Record videos and share. Preferably 3-5 min short videos that talk about a specific feature.

    - Organize bi-weekly or monthly office hours (say 45min-1hr) on admin training. So, any customer can join those free of cost.  
