Engagement Model/Process
Cassandra Calleja
Member Posts: 1 Seeker
Hi There,
We are currently revising our customer segmentation - Engagement Model/Process. Just wondering what types of offerings the community provide to tiered customers?
We are currently revising our customer segmentation - Engagement Model/Process. Just wondering what types of offerings the community provide to tiered customers?
Cassandra - Might you be able to expand on your question? Others here may get it more clearly, but I'm not sure I exactly understand what you're going for?
We have segmented customers and different levels get a named CSM vs. having a pooled CSM model, the cadence of connecting with customers is different, and the type of engagement (i.e. EBRs) varies too.
That may be what you mean, and I can expand on that, if it's helpful, but I want to make sure I'm answering the right questions.
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