Salesforce Users - Time for a catch up?

Sophie Quinn
Sophie Quinn Member, CS Leader Posts: 22 Thought Leader
Second Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

Hey GGR team!

Our company is looking at moving to Salesforce as a holistic solution for Marketing, Sales, Support & Customer Success. We are currently using Hubspot and Helpscout (for reactive support) and are looking at a CS Tool, however, it sounds like we need to move to Salesforce to assist with our Sales & Marketing Hub - it would be an extra perk if we could have all customer, churn & prospect data in the one solution.

Does anyone use Salesforce for CS at the moment? Do you have any feedback? Or even any time for a quick chat about how it works for your team? Pro's & Con's?

We, unfortunately, have to move super fast on this process due to a current contract we're under, so am trying to gather as much information as I can in a short amount of time. Would appreciate any insights I can get 🙋‍♀️


  • aimee j
    aimee j Member Posts: 2 Navigator
    Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    Salesforce Quip allows for some powerfully integrated Account Plans for Customer Success Management. It'll pull in the Contact info, Project Plans, Records, Workflows, Calendar etc and has communication collaboration pretty well built in. I've been learning about it in Trailhead and experimenting with it in a sandbox org and liking what I see a lot because it syncs with what the other teams are doing - especially sales and service.

  • Sophie Quinn
    Sophie Quinn Member, CS Leader Posts: 22 Thought Leader
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    Thank you @aimee j that's really good to hear!

  • Anthony Gaspardi
    Anthony Gaspardi Member Posts: 5 Navigator
    Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic First Anniversary

    @Sophie Quinn How has been managing the entire post sale cycle in Salesforce been? Did you end up buying a tool, or does the CS Team manage everything in Salesforce?

    I ask because we are currently going to build out our CS Program in SF, because we aren't mature enough for a CS Tool right now. I would love to hear how it has been working for you and how you went about building SF out for the CS team.
