Getting feedback from client-CEOs

sbchkim Member Posts: 1 Navigator
edited October 2023 in Metrics & Analytics

Hi all, new to this forum but a long time fan!

I'm curious how other CS leaders have developed feedback loops or mechanisms to understand "CEO satisfaction" (metrics, cadence, process, etc). Having 1:1 meetings are great, but it's difficult to quantify and bring back to the team. Anybody have any ideas?


  • Tyee Dugan
    Tyee Dugan Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    First Anniversary First Comment
    Hi sbchkim, good idea. I find it very  important to get C-Level perspective to round out the rest of the stakeholder perspectives. In my experience typically  a group of people surveyed will be more engaged if they understand that they are surveyed as part of a unique group in order to get a certain perspective. One way to do this is to create a survey specifically for executives and communicate that this branded survey is designed to get feedback and perspectives from executives to better improve experience for executives and other stakeholders holistically. The cadence for this audience could be up to once per quarter but semi annual in my opinion is a better cadence. You can also anonymize and aggregate the results later to publish an executive C-Level report as content and share with your customer or prospect base.  Keep us posted on your project and good luck.