Hi everyone!
First-time-post over here!
I am debating with myself on how to structure upcoming success plan sessions with customers.
We have a bunch of new customers that have joined during the summer (yay!) and the coming months will be full of onboarding and success making. I have two choices in mind on how to structure the meetings:
First option: Back-Casting
Going through a workshop setting of below questions - digging deep down to the bone.
1. Awareness & Vision: Where do we want to be and why?
2. Baseline analysis: Where are we now?
3. Creative solutions: How do we get there?
4. Decide on priorities: What do we do next?
Second option: Success Plan Canvas
Developed a combination of SuccessCoaching's and CS-Snack's Success Plan Canvas (see below).
This one is new to me, do you think it is enough to just use a one-pager?
Does it make it more clear and actionable or does it make it too shallow?
If anyone have feedback on how to develop the Canvas further, let me know.
Lastly, the third option is to use both - go over the ABCD and then recapping/summarizing with the Success Plan Canvas.
What do you think?