The Cloud's Down, Now What?

kmulhalljr Member Posts: 40 Navigator
10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper 2023 Success Network - Supporter

Recent disruptions of service affecting major CSPs have highlighted the importance of having a multi-cloud environment and backing up customer data.

One of the main benefits of a multi-cloud environment is increased resilience and availability. By spreading data and workloads across multiple cloud environments, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss or downtime in the event of a failure or disruption at one CSP. This can help ensure that critical data and applications remain available and accessible, even in the face of major outages or disruptions.

Another important consideration is data security and privacy. By spreading data and workloads across multiple cloud environments, organizations can minimize the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access to sensitive information. This can help ensure that customer data is protected and secure, even in the face of major security incidents or data breaches.

In addition to the benefits of a multi-cloud environment, it is also important to have a robust backup and disaster recovery strategy in place. This includes regular backups of critical data and applications, as well as a plan for quickly restoring data and systems in the event of a failure or disruption. By having a well-designed backup and disaster recovery plan in place, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss and minimize the impact of outages and disruptions on their operations.

What strategy does your organization (and or CS Team) have in place to address significant down time? What was the process like getting that strategy in place? Was buy-in from senior leadership a challenge? If so, how were they 'won over'?



  • ashley_martin
    ashley_martin Member Posts: 30 Navigator
    10 Comments 5 Insightfuls First Anniversary 5 Likes

    I agree with you that companies should make sure that they have sufficient back up in case platforms go down, which in tech happens all the time. We lose so much time when those things happen, but if you have a back up in place it makes it much less painful.

    We have two systems which keep our record of sales. Unfortunately, only one of those systems has our CS info in it. We use Netsuite which integrates into SalesForce. All of our CS records live in SF, but if SF was to go down we would still have all of our sales info and contacts in Netsuite.