CS KPI Bechmarks- What are your teams goals?

Miranda Balcar
Miranda Balcar Member Posts: 21 Navigator
5 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Likes

Hi all,

I'm looking at our goals for 2024 and trying to find some common KPIs for teams. For example, we've historically set a goal for 105% NRR for mid-market and SMB segments. That's pretty much the only one we have.

What are some other benchmark leading indicators you all are tracking for your teams?


  • Numrah_Irfan
    Numrah_Irfan Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Third Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    We have used various versions of:

    NRR (net rev retention)

    Renewal revenue rate

    Account Health

    Account profitability

    Attach rate (cross-selling)

  • jr56266
    jr56266 Member Posts: 5 Navigator
    Photogenic First Comment

    CSM Qualified leads - sales will need to close the deal to count, you can have X per quarter. One thing I suggest is that the team can calculate their KPI's on their own, it should be simple yet powerful.

  • rjones001980
    rjones001980 Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    Third Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    We've also included many of what was already mentioned above but also have added:

    • NPS (even though it's not directly CS related)
    • Product Adoption
    • Customer advocacy (case studies, reference calls, speaking opportunities, ect)
    • CSQL's (Customer Success Qualified Leads)
    • Highest level of penetration (are we only talking with tactical/operational or are we engaged with execs)

  • clrichmond
    clrichmond Member Posts: 1
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    NRR (PS and Eng onboarding/implementation/plus custom features),

    Client/Tenant Engagement Status

    ARR (Entire Company)

    Implementation Milestone Met (Sign, LAB, UAT, PROD, or T&M per Orig Est.)

    Weekly Client Escalation (Internal, RED/YELLOW, # of Escalations per period/Month/Qtr)

    Customer Service Issues (Severity of Issues/Downtime/Feature Outage/...)

    Misc (Internal escalation or concerns via Sales, Bus Dev, Client)