Headhunters for Customer Success

Hello Everyone,

I know some people who are wanting to break into the space and/or switch jobs. Do you know of headhunters specifically for Customer Success?


  • KimberlyReneeKnowles
    KimberlyReneeKnowles Member Posts: 21 Navigator
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    Yes, first of all, I am one of those people - wanted to switch from a very CSM-like role in Higher Education to a #CSM job in #SaaS, particularly a Scaled Success related role.

    Second, @Swati Garg 's company Melo & Associates is a recruiting firm for CS jobs. They are hosting a webinar on Oct. 12th for Career Transitioners - she just posted about it on LinkedIN today.

    Keep in mind though, headhunters aren't typically searching for career transitioners to fill roles, unless they need a very specific, unique skillset. Headhunters are usually brought in to fill roles (higher leadership, etc.) or very specialized roles that traditional searches aren't succeeding in filling.

    If you are a career transitioner as well, I highly recommend checking out @Carly Agar and her resources. I'm (slowly) working my way through her Career Accelerator (read that back twice 😂), and it's super helpful!

  • KimberlyReneeKnowles
    KimberlyReneeKnowles Member Posts: 21 Navigator
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper

    *I want

  • Ted Phillips
    Ted Phillips Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
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    I've been trying to break into a CSM or an associate/specialist role the last few months but haven't had any luck. Anyone that can share insight or has an opening I'd appreciate the chance to speak to you. I've been looking for 6+ months and have sent out 800+ applications (not all customer success related) without receiving any offers so far.

  • Yaswanth
    Yaswanth Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    Here's a list of CS specific recruiters worldwide that have been somewhat vetted.