What are some processes, systems, or approaches you have found helpful when making a transition to a new company?
I have all these ideas in my head of what I want to do, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes, and I don't want to come in and suggest a ton of changes.
But without suggesting changes, etc., how can I make a massive impact in the first three months? I'm already studying the software I will be working with and becoming a product expert at it before the job even starts. But then there are so many other aspects of the job that I need to tackle, like managing accounts, and tackling my onboarding quotas, etc. I also need to brush up and learn how to be on camera again, how to do product walkthroughs and so on. I got 4 years of experience in Customer Success, but for the past year, I have been on hiatus doing other things.
So I'm coming back to it, but I like putting maximum effort into whatever I do.