June 21, 2024 - Week in Review

June 21, 2024
I am finding myself getting caught up in the micro-lens view this week. It can be easy to focus at the tactical level and neglect the more macro-focused lens of strategy. Often times this occurs when I am feeling like there is so much to do and I lack a clear focus…almost a coping mechanism…I can move the needle pretty quickly on tactical items and feel like I am making progress. Unfortunately, while this is a space I need to be in sometimes, it can suck me in and prevent me from bigger picture needs. For me, taking a quick break from the work and going for a short walk or focusing on something else helps me to regain the perspective I need.
What do you do when you start to get tunnel vision? Are there any strategies that help you move into the space you need to occupy?
🗨️ GGR CS Leadership Office Hours
The GGR Leadership Office Hours are a great way to connect with your peers through conversations about leading CS topics.
Wondering if it is worth it? Here is some feedback from our latest event:
I appreciated the opportunity to connect with a bunch of people interested in CS and how we can improve things for our customers!
Our 2024 schedule is now available here, and our next meetup is Thursday, June 27 and will be led by @AshleyGarza123.
Be sure to register!
✍️💥 2024 Customer Success Leadership Study
Can you take a few minutes (6, to be precise) to share your experience of budgets, teams, goals, tech stacks, and trends you have seen this year? The more data we have, the more detailed the state of CS this year will be. ChurnZero is launching the 5th annual survey of this kind, and they would like your help!
Best Practices (Conversations)
Check out some of the great conversations happening on GGR. Click the title to see the full conversation and share your insights!
With AI being in the headlines almost every where you look, @Guy Galon is asking how CS professionals are experiencing AI. Has it impacted your efficiency? Do you have an AI Assistant or use a BOT to support your customers? What ways are you seeing customers ask for AI in your product or solution? Be sure to join the conversation and share your AI stories!
Beyond Per-Seat: Exploring Alternative SaaS Pricing Models
This week @Keith P is looking at how changes from a per-seat model to pricing metrics based on feature usage and customer value. What alternative pricing models have you seen, are you using an alternative model and if so, what are the benefits and/or weaknesses? And finally, do different approaches need to be utilized for onboarding and customer education? Would love to hear your thoughts!
Evolving Value of Customer Success
We have all heard about companies who are doing away with Customer Success, so it is even more important to have conversations around communicating the value it brings to the table. @Shaun Porcar has started a thread about measuring the impact, aligning impact to goals, and the role of revenue and retention. Would love to hear your thoughts on how you are proving value and saving your team’s seat at the table!
Did you know that GGR has a job board and that there is activity on it? If not, take a moment to check it out here! This is a job board created for CS roles only and gives potential employers an opportunity to review potential candidates based on skill matching. If you haven’t created a profile yet, be sure to jump in and get started! OH! We are also in the process of adding some very cool new opportunities in the coming weeks to help job seekers even more, so stay tuned!
Take a moment and share something you are happy about this week. And let’s celebrate the wins – big or small – that our peers are experiencing!
Our 2nd quarter Introduce Yourself Thread is just about over! GGR has grown dramatically just in the 2 years I have been here (we have added over 5,200 new members in that time!) and it can be difficult to know who else is in the community.
If you haven't taken time yet to hop on and share a bit about who you are (regardless of how long you have been here), click the link and learn about your peers and share a bit about yourself!
Office Hours Summary
How to Cross-Promote Community and CS Events
We know that events such as Office Hours and Webinars are an important part of scaling your communication, but are you using them to impact customers well beyond the event itself? And how are you building the awareness campaigns to amplify your reach even further? This week @jenny Weigle joined us to talk about how she has helped CS teams move their events into a more impactful program for customers. She even shares a free framework in the slide deck to help. Take a moment to read now!
Has the GGR community inspired, helped, or impacted you? We would love to hear how! Share your story here.
Member Highlights
Welcome to Our New Members!
@Mary Catherine Plunkett
@Hannah Graham
@Liz Kenny
@Toni Taylor
Congratulations to all of our Members Moving Up the Ranks!
@Toni Taylor
@Hannah Graham
Celebrating Anniversaries!
1st Year
@Adam Ince
2nd Year
@Leo Borisov
3rd Year
@Frank Ernst
@Marco Carrubba
@Josephine Gutierrez
@Donna Weber
@Matt Harmon
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