Dashboard for upcoming renewals

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 260 Expert
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edited July 2020 in CS Technology

We set up a dashboard recently just to get a handle on the upcoming renewals for our team with a number of key filters and views. We then overlayed health risk to the renewal data to see risk to try to get ahead of if possible. 

Any ideas on how to freshen this up? Any other examples?

This is more of an early iteration, so be kind!




  • Joshua Maberry
    Joshua Maberry Member Posts: 8 Contributor
    edited April 2020

    It may make sense to specifically call out "at risk" renewals, as well as identify accounts that have undergone significant changes. (e.g. M&A, Leadership turnover, outsourcing of talent, loss of champion etc.)  Ideally what I would want is automated workflows/playbooks/tickets based on outstanding issues such as past due renewals. Priority/severity can be weighted by potential revenue at stake if not addressed.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Member Posts: 70 Expert
    edited April 2020

    This is not coming from managerial experience. But hear are a couple of thoughts.  Business risk(right now it might not be) and Critical Support case risk appear to be quite small, but if I want to affect the yellow and red. Maybe I don't need to see the green so I can focus on the red and the yellow. 

  • Andy Barton
    Andy Barton Member Posts: 18 Thought Leader
    edited April 2020

    As it for the team, I really like filtering by segment, team, geo etc. Take out the noise of other teams renewals and have a team focus on their accounts only.. Focus on Risk. Lots of green gives a false sense of security when only 90%+ will do! The Dashboard must contain an overlay or widget of Health scoring that is data driven where possible. You mention "upcoming"... Is that not too late? The date mentioned would be good a few months out (or even quarters, depending on subscription length)


  • Jung Kim
    Jung Kim Member Posts: 20 Thought Leader
    edited April 2020

    Love this, Jeff! I think we may have discussed this on our call, but I'm still always trying to figure out how to play about with segments and the MRR/Risk/Renewals as it's related to this. 

    For example, COVID-19 segments (1, 2, 3). What's the MRR risk for those in the least engaged segment? 

    Perhaps also an additional filter and more detailed breakdown for tier 2, risk level, etc. Always nice to be able to dive deeper. 

  • BenB
    BenB Member Posts: 76 Expert
    Third Anniversary 5 Comments 5 Insightfuls Name Dropper
    edited April 2020

    I have a very similar dashboard but it highlights the total value of all ARR renewing in that timeline, a Quota Assigned, my actual vs my forecast for that period.  I find most of my time is constantly diving into these numbers, and I use the other portions (risk, tiers etc...) to drive my forecast.  Other leadership has access to the dashboard but again we're primarily looking at the forecast to actual.

  • BenB
    BenB Member Posts: 76 Expert
    Third Anniversary 5 Comments 5 Insightfuls Name Dropper
    edited April 2020

    ** All Data has been photoshopped and now fake. but this is what I look at when reviewing renewal progress towards our goals.   Everything is a click through so its easy to see who churned, and where growth is coming from etc... 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Navigator
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic 5 Insightfuls
    edited April 2020

    This is really cool, @Ben Bunting. Do you have a view for health risk associated with outstanding renewals? 

  • Lindsey Kemmerich
    Lindsey Kemmerich Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited January 2021
    @Jeff Breunsbach - can you share more detail on how you've defined and implemented renewal stages and forecast categories?

    We're in the process of setting up Salesforce to track customers along the lifecycle after the initial close and this is definitely more comprehensive than what we have mapped out so far.

  • Jason Myers
    Jason Myers Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    edited January 2021
    Just spitballing here - Do you have playbooks for improving health that coincide with the forecast category? For example, if you have a X-month long playbook for moving at-risk accounts from red to yellow to green, would be cool to see where each of those at risk accounts falls within the playbook (are they many months in and account health hasnt changed? or was this a newly at-risk account just beginning the playbook, in which case we can predict they will be healthy come renewal time).