The Biggest CS Myth?
As the CS category has grown and matured, a lot of good and bad habits have also developed. What is the biggest myth you think now exists?
Mine is that segmentation models should be based on financial metrics (ACV/ARR/etc.).
100% agree with you on your example.
One I hear a lot thrown around is "CS is proactive, account management is reactive". I agree that the majority of us want to get there, however there seems to be this perception to be truly CS it needs to be 100% proactive.. Now, wouldn't that be nice!
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Segmentation model should be based on a combination of growth potential and ARR. We've broken up segmentation into 4 quadrants:
- High ARR, high growth
- High ARR, low growth
- Lower ARR, high growth
- Lower ARR, low growth
I'm not sure if this is a myth because it depends on who you ask - career growth. Some say a myth is "Enterprise CS" is better and this is something we should strive for. Others say that it requires different skill sets with Enterprise customers vs. 1:Many.
I fall on the latter - requiring different skill sets.
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I would say a myth is that Success is solely responsible for all client care and growth. An entire organization have to be thinking about client needs, growth, and experience, and rally around it. Success' job is to inform and drive an organizational-wide culture that has the customer at the center.
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Biggest myth: That one customer success strategy/model will work at another company
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Yes! Love this one!
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Another one for me...
Customer Success is a defensive play - i.e. prevent churn.
Done well, Customer Success is an offensive play - i.e. growth engine.
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