How do the CSMs access a customer's instance?

Karthik KV
Karthik KV Member Posts: 2 Seeker
edited August 2020 in CS Technology
What is the best practice being followed when it comes to access to a customer's instance? 

- How many customer instances does each CSM have access to?
- What role and permissions does the CSM have when accessing a customer's instance?
- Is the CSM listed as one of the users in a customer's instance? Is the customer aware of this listing?



  • Matt Myszkowski
    Matt Myszkowski Member Posts: 143 Expert
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited August 2020
    Hi @Karthik KV....

    My response is firstly why do you want your CSM doing this? This sounds like the role of Product Support or Professional Services.

    Secondly, I also see this having potential compliance and data management risks identified with it. I know at SAP we have limited how much we tried to get sucked into these situations by the customer.
  • Karthik KV
    Karthik KV Member Posts: 2 Seeker
    edited August 2020
    Hi Matt,

    Thank you for replying. CSMs at my company have a very heavy engagement with the customers. They regularly monitor customer usage, product adoption and play a consultative role in helping our customers get the best out of the product. 

    I understand that there are potential compliance risks. I wanted to understand the best practice around this to ensure that we do not take any of those risks and adopt a professional way of doing this.

    How are you doing this at SAP today? Do your customers ask you for recommendations on how they could leverage SAP to improve their business functions?