Tell us about your experience with GGR

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 260 Expert
Name Dropper Photogenic GGR Blogger 2021 5 Insightfuls

Good Morning! Some great things on the horizon for GGR and you all as community members. We'll be sharing more soon. 

In the meantime, I'm sourcing some stories, videos, comments, etc. -- what's the value in GGR? What's your experience been like?

We're gathering social proof so that we can feature stories all about you!  Check out my video below for more details. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Jeff Breunsbach
Director, Customer Experience | Higher Logic


  • Brian Hartley
    Brian Hartley Member Posts: 184 Expert
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    edited August 2020
    Hey Jeff - great topic.

    For me, I have met some of the brightest and kindest minds in the field.  I have never once been turned down for a networking call to talk shop and exchange ideas.  It really feels as if everyone has each other's best interests at heart.  It has helped me grow as a leader and I can't count the number of ideas I have sourced from this community and deployed within my own organization.  I was speaking to @Kyle Bennett last week and we were joking that once we are able to travel again, it will be like a family reunion - even though I have never met most of you in person!

    Editing to praise those who have given me time! @Sana Farooq @Steve Bernstein @Kyle Bennett @Kelly Hook @Diana De Jesus @Shari Srebnick @Gurdev Anand @Ed Powers @Kristi Faltorusso @Emmanuel Malanda @Emma Larson @Adam Sicklick @Lauren Culbertson @Lauren Mecca - I am sure I missed a few.

    Good Morning! Some great things on the horizon for GGR and you all as community members. We'll be sharing more soon. 

    In the meantime, I'm sourcing some stories, videos, comments, etc. -- what's the value in GGR? What's your experience been like?

    We're gathering social proof so that we can feature stories all about you!  Check out my video below for more details. 

    Have a wonderful weekend! 

  • Sana Farooq
    Sana Farooq Member Posts: 23 Thought Leader
    First Anniversary
    edited August 2020
    I couldn't have said it any better than @Brian Hartley!

    I am grateful for this community because I've been searching for something like this for so long! I sing the praises of GGR with everyone that I speak to, because it's finally given Customer Success leaders an environment to share best practices, successes and failures, and a place to network with others in our space, in the way that Sales and other functions have had for countless years. 

    This community is so gracious and always willing to support each other. When I feel silo'd in my thinking, I know I can head to the threads or reach out to someone in the network to chat it out.

    The weekly office hours give me a dedicated time each week to take a step back and think more critically and strategically about bigger challenges that I can tackle in our company, or ideas that I can implement to keep our department growing and innovating. 

    I could go on and on, but i LOVE this community and I'm so happy to be a part of it!
  • Adam Sicklick
    Adam Sicklick Member Posts: 1 Seeker
    edited August 2020
    Hi Jeff,

    I joined the community in May when I was in my last role as a CS Program Manager. As someone with influence over the customer success direction at a company, I wanted to connect with others in a similar position. In June my role was eliminated due to the impact of COVID on the company. Since then, I've been getting value from GGR by making new connections in the community. @Brian Hartley @Shari Srebnick @Aaron Woods @Jeremy Donaldson @Kevin Mitchell Leonor @Chad Horenfeldt @Travis Wheeler- are a few people who have been gracious with their time and offered advice/referrals to help in my job search!

    I have sat in on the weekly webinars as well- to stay up to date on CS trends and learn about how different companies implement CS. I appreciate the CSM specific office hour which was recently started.
  • Emmanuel Malanda
    Emmanuel Malanda Member Posts: 12 Thought Leader
    First Anniversary
    edited August 2020
    Like @Brian Hartley, i have been able to meet and discuss with so many bright minds. I love the way people are ready to help help one another and pushing for everyone to grow! people's willingness to jump on a call to discuss CS matters is especially what i love about this community.  Thanks to everyone who has helped me and contributed to my growth.
  • Russell Bourne
    Russell Bourne Member Posts: 61 Expert
    GGR Blogger 2021 GGR Blogger 2023 Second Anniversary
    edited August 2020
    GGR gave me a sense of professional community I didn't dream was possible.  

    A very good work friend of mine left CS for Sales and told me, "I'm done with all the thankless post-sale stuff".  Working in CS brings a wide set of challenges that most companies don't have any support system to address.  On top of that, it seems introverts and helpers are drawn to CS careers, and often CS departments are in danger of becoming the dumping ground for issues that can only be solved cross-functionally.  It's a recipe for a lot of stress.

    So, to have this collection of great minds, people with experience, is a revelation.  And like so many other things in life, it feels much better to help someone else than it feels to be helped.  GGR has kept me sharp, given me time to reflect on the kind of CS leader I'm capable of being, and my next role will be served better for it.

    A huge thanks to @Jeff Breunsbach, @Jay Nathan, @Kristi Faltorusso, @Ed Powers and so many others for your leadership and contributions.  I hope I've helped a small slice of people the way you've helped me.
  • Shari Srebnick
    Shari Srebnick Member Posts: 110 Expert
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2020
    I don't think I have much to add here because everyone else on this thread has covered it way better than I could. 

    This community is invaluable.  So many smart, gracious, kind, generous people.  I feel fortunate to part of this and look forward to the Office Hours each week.

    I truly love this community!
  • Effie Mansdorf
    Effie Mansdorf Member Posts: 76 Expert
    First Anniversary
    edited August 2020
    Hi Jeff,

    I've gotten so much out of GGR. For me, there are not may resources available for CS leaders in particular. I have found GRR to fill this gap. From tips on how to grow a team, create playbooks and weekly office hours. I have received so many great pointers that have helped me in my team milestones. On the flip side, being on the contributing end as well and hearing feedback on how I have helped others gives a tremendous sense of satisfaction. 

    Bonus points - the number of new "friends" I have made through this network!

    - Effie
  • Wayne Dilworth
    Wayne Dilworth Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    edited August 2020
    GGR is building a body of knowledge and a community of altruistic CS experts who understand the importance of sharing knowledge as much as acquiring it. 

    GGR has filled a gap in my professional life since I was furloughed from a CS position back in April.  I started following, then participating, as a way to stay engaged with CS and to keep me thinking about ways to improve CS when I return or in my next opportunity.  The value I have gained from GGR is much more than community.  GGR has helped me to really analyze how to improve my own CS methods, how to challenge and refine the assumptions I hold about CS, and how to better verbalize my understanding of, and passion for CS.