Tracking Technical DIscussions and Details

Camille Acey
Camille Acey Member Posts: 6 Contributor
Third Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper Photogenic
edited September 2020 in CS Technology
We are considering Catalyst but in the meantime using a variety of tools (Google Docs, Atlassian Wiki, Salesforce, Insight Squared, Zendesk) to track our customer communications and account health. For those of you who have TAMs, where do they maintain customer system configuration information? Is it in the same place where you track customer notes or no? We are trying to formalize this since a lot of it is currently living in the heads of our engineers. 



  • Miko Hinojosa
    Miko Hinojosa Member Posts: 5 Seeker
    First Comment
    edited September 2020
    Hi Camille - 

    In our case - all technical documentation goes into Confluence. All tech info ties also with product teams, engineering, backend, etc in a single source of truth. 
    We CSMs use Catalyst - where we track customer notes, and whatever technical caveat or process that was addressed with a customer, simply put a hyperlink from Catalyst into Confluence for further details. Rest of CSM activity (NPS, Health Scores, licensing, renewals, etc) lives in Catalyst. 

    For custom dev work or specific tech processes - inside Confluence, our Eng team creates pages for that specific customer that requires that XYZ tech process. 

    This helps us keep things tidy, and make every team accountable for tracking, & updating their corresponding docs within the corresponding software. 

    Hope this helps!

    Kind Regards.