Engagement Models for SMB vs Enterprise

Natalie Williams
Natalie Williams Member Posts: 14 Thought Leader
edited December 2020 in Metrics & Analytics

Curious how everyone has structured their customer engagement models based on customer size. Historically, I've worked with customers with primarily enterprise size. And I created engagement models based on ACV, their engagement level, their opportunity level. Currently we are seeing an increase in SMB and curious how or if we should shift how we support these customers. For me, regardless of contract value, I want to ensure customers feel valued and important. But I also realize that doing so may be different for SMB customers. Thoughts? Tips? Any lessons learned that you can share? Thanks!



  • Surendranath
    Surendranath Member Posts: 9 Contributor
    edited December 2020

    I agree with your point that every customer is valuable regardless of the $value they bring in. However, in the real-life scenario, we need to demarcate accounts based on various parameters (including $value).

    Coming to the question straight, here is something that we do:

    - categorize your customers even in SMB's. I suppose the range can be from $$$$ to $$$$$ in value perspective.

    - Consider parameters other than current $ value as well while categorizing - eg., potential growth; churn risk; how demanding the customer is; etc.

    - Depending upon the levels, develop number and type of touchpoints

    - Say for a $$$$ customer, bi-annual account reviews, and for a >$50k customer quarterly review meets. (or something similar)

    - Regardless of the levels, somethings can be common across your customer base. 

    - Identify exclusive vs common things that you are doing or need to do to a customer. 

    - For example, product release emails can be common across, and no need for additional efforts other than sending the same email or flyer to everyone.


    Despite whatever we do, how much finetune we do to our processes, we need to be there when our customer wants even if it is just  $$$ value customer. 

  • Rich Alessi
    Rich Alessi Member Posts: 6 Contributor
    edited December 2020

    I am working on this right now and am thinking of the following high level engagement model types based on customer segment/size.


    Large - small ratio of customers per CSM, more experienced CSMs assigned to accounts, much more frequent structured/scheduled interactions - account reviews, success plans, QBRs, etc.

    Medium - larger ratio of customers per CSM, with a "light" approach as compared to the large customer segment

    Small - pooled CSM team, which primarily relies on predictive analytics to identify at risk accounts or opportunities and then proactively reaches out.  The rest of the engagement is geared towards automated activities.

    I'd be interested in meeting with anyone in the group here who is also working on this problem to do some brainstorming and sound boarding to suss our various hypotheses and ideas.

  • Daryl Colborne
    Daryl Colborne Member Posts: 50 Expert
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited December 2020

    Hi all,

    Great post and responses so far. I recently went through a segmentation exercise with Customer Success Champion Committee of cross-functional team members and we agreed on the best way to segment our customer base. Given that, I am right around the same stage in building Customer Success as Natalie. So far, I have built the engagement model for "Strategic/Major Account" segment, which of course has the highest touch. I'd be happy to share that with you all over a call and then brainstorm additional ideas together on items to incorporate into more medium, low, digital touch models.

    Would anyone be interested in this? If so. I'd be glad to set up a call for the beginning of 2021.


  • Rich Alessi
    Rich Alessi Member Posts: 6 Contributor
    edited December 2020

     @Daryl Colborne

    Sign me up for the conference call to discuss this any time starting in 2021.  Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays in the meanwhile.

  • Peter S
    Peter S Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited December 2020

    I would love to join a session like this. Please let me know if this will be scheduled. 



  • Amy Boswell
    Amy Boswell Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    edited December 2020

    I would be interested in chatting with you all on this.

  • Daryl Colborne
    Daryl Colborne Member Posts: 50 Expert
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited December 2020

    This is great! Looks like we have some interest. I'll set up a Zoom call for one day next week. For those interested in attending, feel free to shoot me your email address at daryl.colborne@zerto.com and I'll add you to the invite

  • Josh Rosenthal
    Josh Rosenthal Member Posts: 5 Seeker
    Second Anniversary
    edited December 2020

    Cattle vs Pets . . . but try and treat cattle more like pets and pets more like cattle.
    That is, the assets that I use for "cattle" -- tech- and low-touch users -- can be used directly or as a starting point for "pets" -- high-touch users who are often at strategic and enterprise companies.

    Though YYMV, by targeting individuals at enterprise engagements rather than the group, they have a higher chance of self-serving a little more than expected thereby accelerating implementation and then adoption. This also allows for increased similarity of the metrics used between these two groups.

  • Sean MacPherson
    Sean MacPherson Member Posts: 2 Seeker
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited December 2020

    Hey Daryl-

     @Tracy Novello and I would love to be added as well! We're in the process of scaling our lower touch motions today.  We're traditionally a higher-touch engagement but not all customers require or want this.  We have an audacious vision to make every engagement personal so we are taking our approach to introduce more scale motions in thin slices to see the impact across the customer base (and if different audiences/segments take to different motions better).



  • Kyle Kendall
    Kyle Kendall Member Posts: 6 Contributor
    edited December 2020

    I would love to be part of that conversation  @Daryl Colborne

  • Kyle Kendall
    Kyle Kendall Member Posts: 6 Contributor
    edited December 2020

    All of the responses have been excellent.  From my experience I have a couple of additions:

    • There should be some fundamental success criteria that ALL customers need in order to be successful.  I would focus on making those as streamlined and self-service as possible
    • Depending on the size of your company; startup, midsize, large...look at putting in a segmentation model that can be elastic.  At some point you may have to limit even more and if you have too many high touch customers getting them to take less will affect their tenure (experienced this)
    • Try to identify those customers that may blow up the model, in a good way, and determine how to treat them.  Small customers that are pushing your products to the limit are just as important in various cycles as the large customers...sometimes more.
  • Daryl Colborne
    Daryl Colborne Member Posts: 50 Expert
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited December 2020

    Looks like we are going to have quite a turnout for this call....great stuff guys!

    Please remember to send me an email at daryl.colborne@zerto.com so I can forward you the invite.


  • Natalie Williams
    Natalie Williams Member Posts: 14 Thought Leader
    edited December 2020


    Back from a well needed holiday vaca. Thank you so much for all of the responses. Beyond helpful and yes,  @Daryl Colborne I would love to be a part of that call. I will email you with my information. Not sure where everyone is located but I am on the west coast/ pst. 

    Really looking forward to learning and picking your brains on the digital/low touch model and how you are able to support those customers in the "right" way.



  • Elisabeth Courland
    Elisabeth Courland Member Posts: 10 Contributor
    5 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2020

    Hello !  @Daryl Colborne, could you include me in the call as well ...? 

  • Whitney Harriss
    Whitney Harriss Member Posts: 1 Seeker
    edited December 2020

    Happy almost New Year everyone!

    Daryl - I would love to join this call, and will be following up with you via email.

    My company has a fun added twist to the typical engagement model. We scale from DIY thru Enterprise, and then have a White Label Program that is a large part of our revenue but small part of our CSM team. We're continuously finding that while one model might seem like a great fit, it actually isn't quite as adaptable as we first thought. I am finding that a lot of processes we would like to make more automatic tend to be the items our clients don't want to be automatic.

    Looking forward to the call!

  • Elaine Castaneda
    Elaine Castaneda Member Posts: 1 Seeker
    edited December 2020

    Great topic Natalie!  I'm also working through a new engagement model.  Our division structure follows more of an SMB model, so  would love to be part of this conversation.  Segmentations are currently built on ACV and within each there is an engagement model based on ACV, Churn, and Expansion. A little complex, but helps increase engagement. 

    @Daryl Colborne I'd love to be part of that meeting as well.  I'll shoot you an email to be added in.  Thanks for getting us all together!


    Elaine Castaneda

    Sr. Manager, Customer Success

  • James Hendrick
    James Hendrick Member Posts: 2 Seeker
    edited December 2020

    Please add me to the discussion as well!  Have a happy New Year!
  • Jenni Washington
    Jenni Washington Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    edited January 2021
    Hello, Rich - 

    I am working on a custom Enterprise journey and differentiating activities in implementation and ongoing. I would love to connect with you to discuss!
  • Rich Alessi
    Rich Alessi Member Posts: 6 Contributor
    edited January 2021
    @Jenni Washington - I'll send you my contact info.