Office Hours Suggestions

Krista Lugo
Krista Lugo Member Posts: 4 Seeker
Hi All!

I am working on our office hours program and wanted to see if anyone had any advice for what you've done in the past...Both successes and flops! As we continue to scale, I am experimenting with "few to many" approaches to support and engage our SMB and tech touch clients. I'm curious as to the technology you used, the marketing behind the program, and any outcomes you can share.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


  • Mark Bangerter
    Mark Bangerter Member Posts: 1 Navigator
    edited February 2021
    Hi Krista, we recently rolled this out about 6 months ago. 

    It is working great. The customers that engage with it, absolutely love it. 

    We have some of our support agents on a Zoom call, and then we invite users to join. They get to answer their questions. 

    We do M-F, 8am-12pm ET, and 1pm-5pm ET. 

    Best advice - just start doing it. 

  • krishna.reddy20072000
    krishna.reddy20072000 Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited February 2021
    Office hours (a.k.a one to many) will work with the simple products and also you have to have multiple Office hours in a week. In case of complex products, it always requires an additional time to meet customer.

    Let's say you scheduled Office Hours and invited customers. With the complex products, if customers ask questions on technical and strategic questions, you have to explain in details but the other customer may not get the time to ask their questions and also the customer who asked questions, may come up with follow-up questions.. If the next Office hours is in that week then customer may wait for that, otherwise, customer will reach out to you to see if you can spend sometime to meet them. As a CSM, we always love to meet and talk to customer, we cannot say NO to meet customer. This requires additional help.

    Love to share my perspective if you have any questions.
  • Krista Lugo
    Krista Lugo Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    edited March 2021
    Thank you Mark!  Going to take the "keep it simple approach" for sure!