Onboarding Survey

Mary Kate Morrison
Mary Kate Morrison Member Posts: 2 Seeker
Second Anniversary
Hello, does anyone currently send any surveys to customers after onboarding? If so, what are typical questions you ask?


  • Jordan Silverman
    Jordan Silverman Member, CS Leader Posts: 109 Expert
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Likes Photogenic
    edited March 2021
    We use an application called Satismeter. This allows us to push in app surveys versus email surveys so we can capture customer feeling while using our platform.

    Our onboarding survey automatically goes out 30 days after the account was created to specific user types.

    Question 1: Overall how was your experience with onboarding? 1-5 rating
    Question 2: Was the onboarding process what you expected? Yes/No
    Question 3: What is one thing we can do to improve onboarding for future customers? Free text

    We currently have about a 10% reply rate to this and have gotten some great insight!
    Jordan Silverman
    (914) 844-5775
  • Jeremy Mulder
    Jeremy Mulder Member Posts: 26 Expert
    First Anniversary
    edited March 2021
    Survey to Buyer - Two relationship status questions for you: 
    • [Our product/service] works as promised, within time and budget. Rate 1-10.
    • What is main reason for your reply?
  • Steve Bernstein
    Steve Bernstein Member Posts: 133 Expert
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2021
    One of the most critical things I'd suggest is to set it up as a tracking study, so you can track sentiment for individual accounts and contacts over time.  Here's an article from noted expert, Paul Piazza, who describes the process he uses:

  • Benedict Fritz
    Benedict Fritz Member Posts: 30 Expert
    edited March 2021
    Hey @Jeremy Mulder,

    I really like how you capture all potential issues (product value, delivery timeline, budget) in one question. Do you have a process for pulling apart the feedback for different aspects of the product/service i.e. aggregating all complaints about delivery timeline vs. complaints about the product working as promised?
    • [Our product/service] works as promised, within time and budget. Rate 1-10.
    • What is main reason for your reply?
  • Jeremy Mulder
    Jeremy Mulder Member Posts: 26 Expert
    First Anniversary
    edited March 2021
    Hi @Benedict Fritz – Thanks. My current process for pulling apart feedback and then taking action:
    1. Host a customer feedback review session (biweekly and open invite to entire company – Yay, cross-functional customer-centric team work!)
    2. Read through the verbatim responses to the open-ended question (What is main reason for your rating?)
    3. Ask my colleagues "What stands out to you?" and "What themes do you see?"
    4. Group patterns and name them.
    5. Ask colleagues, "Given what we are seeing, should we take action? Why? Who benefits?"
    6. If yes, ask colleagues to opt-in to working on the project(s).
    Thougths? How do you all gather, group, and decide to act on customer onboarding feedback? I'd love to keep learning out loud and improving the process.

  • Benedict Fritz
    Benedict Fritz Member Posts: 30 Expert
    edited March 2021

    Love it! In the teams we've talked to there seems to be a tension on the spectrum between open-ended and closed-ended (if that's a phrase) feedback.

    Open-ended feedback like an open text field requires more effort from the user, but can get much more specific actionable feedback. Closed-ended feedback like a dropdown of options why you canceled make it easier for the user, but misses everything that falls between the cracks of those options.

    And open-ended feedback has within itself its own spectrum of open and closed, and your survey question is on the open-end of that for sure.

    The reason I asked is because doing the processing after the fact-trend spotting, segmenting, determining actions-can seem like a lot of work, and make that option appear unappealing.

    But using a biweekly meeting to keep driving that process forward as a chance for anyone who wants to get involved is awesome. The backlog never grows too unwieldy, everyone stays in touch with customers, and that feedback turns into action.

  • Will Stevenson
    Will Stevenson Member Posts: 16 Thought Leader
    First Anniversary
    edited March 2021
    I'm a big fan of sending two surveys during/after onboarding. 
    • Post-Kickoff Call Survey
      • Based on your expectations, how did your onboarding call go?
      • What would you have liked to see during the call that you didn't?
      • Any additional feedback?
    • Post-Launch Survey
      • Based on the expectations set by your Onboarding Coach, how did your onboarding process go?
      • Do you feel your Onboarding Coach was well equipped (with support, ideas/solutions, etc.) to get the program live and have long-term success?
      • What would have helped to make your onboarding process better and/or more efficient?
      • Any additional feedback?

    The Post-Kickoff Call Survey can help ensure that your Sales team is setting the right expectations, your Onboarding team is meeting those expectations and your product is ahead of the expectations. The earlier you can identify a problem, the more time you have to resolve it. 

    The Post-Launch Survey ensures that the Onboarder set the correct expectations from beginning to end, while keeping a pulse on if they were coming prepared.

    Both of these surveys will help you identify the pieces missing in your onboarding process. 

    Hope this helps!