Customer won't give feedback

Julie Schifter
Julie Schifter Member Posts: 23 Thought Leader
Photogenic Second Anniversary First Comment
edited July 2021 in Strategy & Planning
Hi all :) 

We recently acquired a new enterprise customer - it is a huge win. The deal has meant a lot of changes internally for the customer and fostered negative associations with our collaboration. It is a huge operational change within the customer's org. 

This is of course a challenge affecting our relationship.

- One of the problems we are experiencing is that the customer wants to continue working like they always did even after explaining the value of the change we bring. 
- Another problem is that the end-users and middle managers see us as a supplier, whereas the C-level is buying into the strategical partnership. 
- A third problem is the fact that they don't want to give us feedback. Probably related to the fact that they see us as a supplier and don't want to spend time on giving feedback + they don't recognize that their feedback will indeed help them in the end. 

At the moment our CSM is working hard to create and develop the relationship by asking questions regarding pains, needs etc., listening,  compromising but challenging the old way of doing things.  
I would really appreciate any thoughts, ideas and recommendations for one or more of the three challenges listed above. 

Thank you in advance :) 





  • Anita Toth
    Anita Toth Member Posts: 246 Expert
    5 Insightfuls Photogenic Third Anniversary
    edited July 2021

    Hi Julie

    That sounds like a challenging situation for sure.

    It's not uncommon to have the C-Suite see the relationship as strategic while middle mgt and end users see the relationship as a vendor.

    This is because the roles and goals of middle mgt and end users are not strategic.

    Both are focused on tasks versus vision.

    Each user level will need a different communication approach to address this fundamental difference.

    It sounds like your CSM is doing their best. There are ways to get reluctant customers to offer up the info you need and move the relationship ahead at the same time.

    I gather customer feedback from reluctant customers (and churned customers) all the time. 

    If you're up for it, I'd be happy to chat about how to do this so your CSM can start feeling more effective and less frustrated about the process.

    Feel free to message me here.