CSM to a CS Ops Mgr role - how to best get started

Jennifer Frances
Jennifer Frances Member Posts: 8 Contributor
Hello Everyone,

I have been with my company for 8 1/2 years now in 2 different but semi-related positions: (5 years as a Sr. Provisioning Specialist and 3 1/2 years as a CSM/Sales Renewal Manager for SMBs ($8 million ARR)).


I have made a substantial impact for both teams with my work (which is mostly why they chose me for this new role) and my current position entails a lot of what this new CS Ops Mgr position will have but there is a lot more to learn and do, to which I am looking forward to.

In all honesty though, I have never had the actual title before and this is the first time our company is creating this position and it will be for our larger enterprise customers ($60 mil ARR), so I want to make sure I go about this in the right way and start off with a good footing.

I haven't officially started yet but it is likely to start before year-end once I receive the official offer and I just want to be prepared.

Any suggestions you have on how to best get started (i.e 90-day plan or roadmap)?

Thank you in advance,


  • Mickey Powell
    Mickey Powell Member Posts: 1 Seeker
    First Anniversary
    edited November 2021

    @Jennifer Frances - Congrats on your upcoming adventure. It's an exciting time to be getting into CS ops. I've made that leap and have helped a few others along the way. Happy to chat and offer you some guidance so that you feel ready to add incredible value on Day 1. 

    Shoot me a message or find me on Linkedin and we'll setup a time. Talk soon!

  • Jennifer Frances
    Jennifer Frances Member Posts: 8 Contributor
    edited December 2021
    Thank you Mickey. And thank you for your offer to help with advice, that's great. I will reach out to you via LinkedIn message. :)
  • Jennifer Frances
    Jennifer Frances Member Posts: 8 Contributor
    edited December 2021
    Hi Katie,

    Yes! I'm attending that Gainsight event now and it's really great and very well organized. I'm already learning and it's good to see others who are in the same position as I am with transitioning and can relate.

    Thank you!