Educating Team Members on the Customer Journey

Alex Hornbuckle
Alex Hornbuckle Member Posts: 9 Contributor
edited October 2023 in CS Org Conversations

In teams that we have led and with our customers that we have worked with, the Customer Journey is often a nebulous idea that is difficult to grasp at first.  


How do we frame the conversations so that everyone can contribute to improving their organization’s Customer Journey?


Start with Outcomes.


Focusing on Outcomes helps teams redirect their thinking from one-off experiences to 
value that we want to create for customers during each phase of the Customer Journey.


From here, mapping out activities, milestones, and deliverables becomes an easier exercise with a guiding point to reference.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 260 Expert
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Insightfuls Photogenic
    edited April 2020

    We've found that holding many sessions in short-bursts has held attention span and helped keep the conversation focused. Especially with virtual environments we've found that we need to provide many breaks and also precede the content with many videos so that everybody can prepare on their own time. 

  • Kevin Mitchell Leonor
    Kevin Mitchell Leonor Member Posts: 248 Expert
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2020

    In my kickoff calls, I set expectations on the level of engagement and we agree to ownership of certain inputs and outputs. For example, my customer's roles are usually executive sponsor, end user feedback liaison, and outcome representative. We explain what each role does and they appoint someone within their organization. I explain the benefit that we don't have to bombard my main stakeholder with all these questions when it is best to get it from a source who will keep track of it. It has been effective.