How to create a customer success environment in my company?

Bayron Toruno S.
Bayron Toruno S. Member Posts: 20 Navigator
5 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
edited August 2023 in CS Org Conversations

Hello everyone,

I totally recommend GGR as a great place to learn and help :)

I'm working on developing a customer success framework in the company I currently work in, which is a Saas company. I have never developed a framework before so I'm learning as a go, I'm just waiting for the green light to start the project. I wanted to add one more topic to the framework which is:

"How to create a customer success environment in the company"

Anyone who can give me their opinion regarding this will help a lot.

Thanks, in advance!😀



  • Gary Allum
    Gary Allum Member Posts: 22 Contributor
    First Comment

    Although I am newer in the field, I will share with you some of the things I have gleaned on this.

    The biggest factor, is making sure the company as a whole understands that customer success is not a department, at the highest view it is a company attitude. While the CS dept has its responsibilities, all parts of the company contribute to customer success and also, churn.

    Experiment with the metrics that are important for success in your industry, and use those to show the value that the CS dept adds.

    Most importantly, don't get too rigid in the things you set up. The goal posts will move quite a bit as you get it all setup, and while it will slow once you add more process and such, they will still need tweaks and adjustments over time.

  • Bayron Toruno S.
    Bayron Toruno S. Member Posts: 20 Navigator
    5 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
  • Sarah.Ervin
    Sarah.Ervin Member Posts: 2 Navigator
    Hi @Bayron Toruno S. I'm in a similar position at my company, building up a new CS program as the only CSM at a small company. I'd love to share notes and even get a small group of professionals together to talk about our learnings and blockers. Let me know if that sounds interesting to you!
  • Bayron Toruno S.
    Bayron Toruno S. Member Posts: 20 Navigator
    5 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Hello @Sarah.Ervin
     yeap, we are both going through the same scenario right now! So I feel that if we meet or make a small group to discuss general thoughts will be great. I just don't know who to invite at the moment or how to promote the meeting. I do agree lets meet :)