Customer / Partner driven Success Planning

Shelby Czarnota
Shelby Czarnota Member Posts: 11 Contributor
Second Anniversary
edited August 2023 in Customer Journey

Has anyone driven customers / partners through a digital onboarding experience to initiate the joint Success Planning? Meaning, introducing the customer / partner to their customer portal experience, establishing goals and objectives and planning outside in.

I see a ton of threads where internally organizations initiate this process through google templates, ppts, project management software, etc. Massive efforts on collecting and transitioning data supporting the customer's buying objectives, intentions, Sales to CS transitions, all internal and operational. But nothing whereas the experience starts with the customer / partner through the customer facing digital experience (portal, otherwise) from guiding on goals / objectives, onboarding and provisioning and into planning time to value. Putting Customer/Partners in the driver's seat, removing all of the internal only tracking and transferring of information. Especially given the focus on scale and self service.



  • Rich Rans
    Rich Rans Member Posts: 29 Contributor
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    I've seen @Georges Arnaout and @Sandeep Rai discussing partner enablement. Possibly they could lend some insights?

  • Chitra Madhwacharyula
    Chitra Madhwacharyula Member Posts: 20 Contributor
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    As a CS leader, I have owned Partner Operations and have also supported Partner Excellence teams where my team has defined the partner experience starting with partner on-boarding, partner portal access and management etc. There were multiple flavors of the partner portal as follows

    • Consolidate data from our internal systems to display information about the partners customers (in a channel partner model) in near real time. This data was one of the sources of truth we discussed in monthly partner sync ups to assess partner health, challenges etc.
    • A different portal view shared the various playbooks, best practices, technology (CS tool) recommendations etc with partners who managed the end customers directly without passing them on to us after the sale. The goal was to provide a consistent CX to customers irrespective of whether they came to us directly or via a partner.

    Chitra Madhwacharyula

    Customer and Partner Success Executive

    Author of 'Scaling Customer Success':

  • Michelle Wideman
    Michelle Wideman Member Posts: 54 Seeker
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    Hello @Shelby Czarnota we use Everafter for customer portals to help with onboarding and ongoing customer communication.