Thanks for the recommendation @rdesmarais!!!
I head up CS at TheySaid and would be happy to share more with anyone interested. We are evolving VoC to make it easy for you to set up a journey based campaign and also introduce CPV (Customer Perceived Value) as a compliment to NPS and CSAT.
Our Journey based campaigns allow you to gather actionable feedback from your customers and while we have quite a few customers using us for their "tech touch" or pooled CS segments - we are introducing it into more Enterprise segments to implement a hybrid approach.
Email me for more info or a quick demo:
Hi @Brian Hansen. This diagram might help you with scaling your VOC.
The best approach is to add one new activity at a time. The biggest mistake people make when scaling their VOC is to add in more monologue-type activities (surveys) and not enough dialogue activities (interviews, focus groups, community groups, etc.)
Since you're already collecting NPS and CSAT, the best thing is to add in something that captures deeper data. Look at the list under "Dialogue" to help you determine which activity is the best one for you.
Once you've implemented it and it's running smoothly, then you want to add in another VOC type activity.
The best way to determine which activity you should add next is to ask "What data gaps do I have?" and "Which of these VOC activities is the best one to fill that gap?"
@Dayna Trautwein thought this might be helpful for you too.
Let me know! 🙂
If you wish to expand your VoC program, you may wish to consider another customer sentiment metric which is refreshingly different than NPS, CSAT and CES. It's called the Customer Perceived Value (CPV) metric and it is offered by a company called TheySaid. It's worth checking out because unlike the other metrics, the CPV is actionable and not a lagging indicator so you can be much more proactive along the customer journey.
I am not able to post links yet but if you Google "TheySaid", you will find them (
Some thoughts:
There are more but hopefully this is a good start. :)
Love the topic.
Hey Brian! Following this thread because I'm also building this out at the moment. Time for us to catch up!
So that I'm adding some substance to the conversation, and while not a totally scalable program, but we're building out a functional customer advisory board and exploring community forums and events. We're earlier stage than y'all, but it's something that is also drives our advocacy program.