Hey community - I'm new here!

Happy new year everyone! My name is Justin Bogard, and I've just joined the community - excited to be here and learn from all of you. If there's ever a way I can help any of you, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

A bit of background on me:

- Aerospace engineer by education w/ 10+ years of serving clients in multiple industries across 15+ countries in 4 continents (N/S Americas, Europe, Africa)

- Current McKinsey consultant working with clients to transform their operations organizations (e.g., procurement, manufacturing)

- Former CSM who's passionate about Customer Success, and actively looking to transition back into the space



  • Heather Wendt
    Heather Wendt HLAdmin, Member Posts: 329 Gain Grow Retain Staff
    GGR Staff GGR Live!  Attendee 2024 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls

    Welcome to the community @JHBogard13! I always love seeing the pathways CS professionals have in getting (and returning!) to this space.

  • PiperWilson
    PiperWilson HLAdmin, Member Posts: 58 Seeker
    5 Insightfuls Photogenic 5 Likes First Anniversary

    Hi Justin! It's great to have you here! A couple of days ago, Heather started a new thread, Meet Your Peers. You're welcome to add yourself to that thread.