Week in Review - November 8

November 8, 2024
As I sit in front of a window looking at almost 2 foot of snow on the ground with another foot to come before tomorrow, it reminds me that even enjoying a snowy landscape is dependent on good preparation. Without that prep, what is beautiful to look at could become costly.
The same is true for customer relationships. You want them to be fairly maintenance free. Time spent together reviewing the impact of your product on their goals, ways they can continue to strengthen the value they help bring, all on a call that can feel a lot like catching up with an old friend.
However, that relationship took time and effort to build. Trust in your product, belief in your ability to help them achieve their goals, responsiveness when things go awry, solid onboarding, a great product fit…all of these have to occur in order to get to a space where you don't feel like you are constantly fighting to survive. This doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels! Yesterday I ran to the store to stock up on some foodstuff that was low, we have to shovel and snowblow the driveway so we can get cars in and out, and we watch the roof to make sure the load isn't becoming too much. Continued attention to potential issues is important.
How are you setting that foundation that results in a solid relationship while continuing to focus on actions that keep it running smoothly?
🗨️ GGR CS Leadership Office Hours
The GGR Leadership Office Hours are a great way to connect with your peers through conversations about leading CS topics.
Wondering if it is worth it? Here is some feedback from our latest event:
I appreciated the opportunity to connect with a bunch of people interested in CS and how we can improve things for our customers!
With only 2 meetups remaining for 2024, make sure you have registered so you don’t miss them! Our November 14th meetup will be an open connect session. Let's talk about what is keeping you up at night! And on December 5th, join @Dan Ennis as he helps close out 2024!
Be sure to register
Sponsor Corner
Is your Customer Success tech stack falling short?
If your current platform isn’t delivering the results you need, it’s time to see what Vitally can do.
Start with a call to assess your existing processes and pinpoint areas for improvement, then follow up with a demo to see how our platform can elevate your Customer Success game.
As a thank you for taking a demo, we’ll send you a pair of AirPods Pro. Don’t settle for less—discover the difference Vitally can make!
Best Practices (Conversations)
Check out some of the great conversations happening on GGR. Click the title to see the full conversation and share your insights!
AI: More than Just a Reactive Support Tool
@Matt Harmon brings some great thoughts and highlights the potential of AI for CS. Are you using AI for processes or communication? Share your use cases here!
How do you identify and measure successful client engagement?
@kmcgrew has launched a new virtual sessions program for customers, and is looking at metrics to measure the success of it. What metrics are you (or would you) use to determine the effectiveness of virtual sessions?
4th Quarter Introductions
Every quarter we create a space for new and ‘mature’ GGR members to share a bit about who they are professionally and/or personally. If you haven’t participated in one of our intro threads yet, be sure to hop in, check out your peers, and share! Get started
Looking for options for a tech need? GGR has a SuccessScape that pulls together over a hundred different resources (suggested in large part by your peers) and categorized to make it easy to see options. We are relaunching our list and asking for your input – is there a category or segment missing? What tech are you using that isn’t already on the list? Check out the QR code in the document to make your suggestions!
Psst – if you are a vendor and are on our SuccessScape or would like to be added, we also have a very exciting opportunity to have your logo linked to your website it make it even easier for potential customers to check you out.
If you are interested, be sure to reach out to heather@gaingrowretain.com for more information and check out the flyer for more options!
2024 Demopalooza
Keep an eye out next week for our Demopalooza Demo Video library! If you missed the event last week, or wanted to share a specific demo with a colleague, you are going to get your chance!
This is so big that a separate email is going to be sent with links and information about how to access them soon!
GGR Job BoardDid you know that GGR has a job board and that there is activity on it? If not, take a moment to check it out here! This is a job board created for CS roles only and gives potential employers an opportunity to review potential candidates based on skill matching. If you haven’t created a profile yet, be sure to jump in and get started! OH! We are also in the process of adding some very cool new opportunities in the coming weeks to help job seekers even more, so stay tuned!
Member Highlights
Welcome to Our New Members!
Advancing Through the Ranks
Celebrating Anniversaries!
1st Year
@Cole Geitner
@Jeff S.
3rd Year
@Amy Weyand-Geise
4th Year
@Patrick Ruster
@Ely Lenik
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