Learning & Skill Building during COVID-19

WillowMoellering Member, CS Leader Posts: 21 Thought Leader
First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment
edited August 2023 in CS Conversations

I am seeing a trend of skill building & additional education during this interesting time: 

  • Are you doing anything differently with your team to build skills?
  • Have you found great remote resources for "training/education"?

We are doing 2 things that I have really loved.  

We started a book club for Leadership and/or Customer Success Books.  This has been a great way to learn new techniques, but I have found it mostly serves as team bonding.  While the books are helpful, listening to others on my team talk about their experience and approach has provided me with additional skills.

We have an "tools" slack channel.  In that channel, we post interesting articles we have read or podcasts we been listening too.  When I have down time or going to take a walk, I jump in that channel and look for some good content.



  • Melissa Logothetis
    Melissa Logothetis Member Posts: 22 Thought Leader
    First Comment
    edited April 2020

    As I am in transition I can't comment on what I'm doing for my team but for myself I am doing a LOT. I have completed 3 certifications, participate in several groups around CS, and have a nice stack of books that I'm reading. 

  • Jennifer Dole
    Jennifer Dole Member Posts: 8 Contributor
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    edited April 2020

    Many LMS and Learning content providers are giving content away right now. My team has accessed content from Cornerstone Cares and LinkedIn Learning.

  • Marijn Verdult
    Marijn Verdult Member Posts: 33 Thought Leader
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    edited April 2020

    Yes! In our team we started (today to be honest) to share some "learning bites" with each other.

    Everyone learns something everyday, either something about the industry, CSM, or unrelated. 

    Every day, in the morning standup, someone of the team talks about something interesting they learned the day before and shares the article/video/post/whatever they got it from. We're trying to tap into the power of collective knowledge!