Presentation/Public Speaking skills

Do you or your organizations' encourage presentation/public speaking training?
Early on in my career I was fortunate to take a presentation skills training course and also refine my public speaking skills with Toastmasters. It has proved extremely beneficial especially when presenting a story with data on slides (QBR).
No, I haven't experienced this or put it in place with my teams. But, knowing firsthand how presentation skills can make or break the success of a conversation, I'd like to!
In that spirit, I'm taking a Virtual Presence course this week. An angle of communicating to groups that I had not thought about before this time.
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I have my team do multiple mock calls on a quarterly basis to fine tune those skills, including how to create a presence via conference call.
I've also shared with my team free resources (linkedIn Learning and others) that have quick tutorials with tips on how to successfully deliver presentations and manage meetings.
As @Lauren Mecca said, a highly charismatic and well structured presentation makes all the difference when it comes to engaging an audience.0 -
Is your team doing their mock calls with you as the audience? Other members of the company?
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While it's not really encouraged, we do have a Toastmasters club that is paid by the company for all membership fees.
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Yea that was the same set-up for me a few companies ago. I really didn't have any excuse not to go but really learned so much on the art of public speaking. Many tactics I still incorporate today.
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+1 to all the Toastmaster's in the community. As a Distinguished Toastmaster I have seen the growth in myself as well as in other wallflowers who were barely able to speak to an audience and now are fluent, confident and articulate.
Being active in a Toastmaster club helps you to hone your skills over time and continuously receive coaching and feedback. I also attended a 2 day intensive session with video and such which was great for a week, and then old habits crept in again.
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Cheers to all the toastmasters. I am still in my level 2 pathway.
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@Brian Hartley - Both presently and at my last company, we have new hires shadow monthly CS meetings and QBRs during their 30/60/90 onboarding plan. After that it is really on the manager/director, to attend meetings from time to time to ensure quality and consistency in the delivery of content.
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How well do you think that is working today?
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I am a big believer in "there is always room for improvement".
This only works as well as the person who wants to improve their skills. Someone who wants accountability and improvement, will do very well in this environment because they will seek to be better. However, someone who likes the status quo will find ways to hide.
Back to your original point, story-telling and presentation skills do have lasting positive or negative effects on someone. It is a wonder why so many organization undervalue the power of presentation skills.
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So far I've we've done the mock calls with the following audiences:
- Me- Themselves
- Me (Team Manager)
- Product Manager
- Marketing Manager
- CS Manager Counterpart in our Arizona market.
Having the input of other colleagues really added a lot of value to the mock calls since they all caught on to different things depending on their own strengths and perspectives. It is also helped me see what is important to Product vs Marketing vs CS when it comes to X subject.
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Yes, 100% on your last sentence @Jeremy Donaldson !
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