How do you reach your customers in a way that *ISNT* email?

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 260 Expert
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edited November 2020 in CS Technology
Our friend @Bodin Pollard posed this question in our CS Leadership Office Hours APAC...

How do you reach your customers in a way that *ISNT* email?

@Mark Latham
@Rachel Jennings


  • Alissa Wilczynski
    Alissa Wilczynski Member Posts: 8 Contributor
    edited November 2020
    This is more to learn from customers, not to message to them:
    My company recently started small group discussions (probably like the GGR office hours, though I haven't attended). The goal is to get people together who want to discuss a particular topic, then let them engage. When we launched this idea, customers would show up and expect a webinar and sit by silently. So we've modified our invitation process to require that a customer submit a question or volunteer their expertise in a particular area as their requirement to get in. Haven't tried this out yet, but we're optimistic.
  • David Ellin
    David Ellin Member Posts: 170 Expert
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited November 2020
    Call them? Mail a handwritten letter?
  • Anna Alley
    Anna Alley Member, CS Leader Posts: 71 Expert
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited November 2020
    You can use in-app communication (we're implementing this now). Webinars, social media, local networking events (pre-COVID) are all other ways of interaction and reaching customers. We also, at certain major milestones, have sent hand written letters in the past as well.
  • Heather Rosefsky
    Heather Rosefsky Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited November 2020
    I would send personalized text messages. We didn't have the tools to do more, so I would just copy and paste and then tweak as needed. It definitely took more time, but the personal touch was noticed enough that people would even ask if I were real or a bot. I get how it's a pain on a mass scale, but it was the only choice at the time and it worked.

    Heather Rosefsky
    Original Message:
    Sent: 11-06-2020 07:55
    From: Jeff Breunsbach
    Subject: How do you reach your customers in a way that *ISNT* email?

    Our friend @Bodin Pollard posed this question in our CS Leadership Office Hours APAC...

    How do you reach your customers in a way that *ISNT* email?

    @Mark Latham
    @Rachel Jennings

    Jeff Breunsbach
    Founder, Gain Grow Retain
    Director of CX at Higher Logic
    Top 25 Influencer 2020
  • Dickey Singh
    Dickey Singh Member Posts: 10 Contributor
    edited November 2020

    Nothing beats what you are doing, Heather. I.e., human-to-human short personalized messages. 

    We get 85% open rates for automated text messages (with links to hyper personalized videos) when sent from a 10-digit phone number (versus as a generic number) to opted-in users.  We encourage them to save the contact information before sending them messages. The best we have been able to do is 27.5% for email.  The cadence, content, message, and CTA varies by role (executive, champion, buyer persona, product user persona) of the receiver. 

    Consider piggy backing on transactional notifications (like e-commerce order push notifications / texts / DMs) with at most one link to dynamic and personalized content. 

    (This is my first message to GGR)

  • Heather Rosefsky
    Heather Rosefsky Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited November 2020
    Oh and I should have added that it was to college students. They would respond pretty quickly too. College professors (other customer group) would be contacted in a different way. So that's the big difference - the WHO. With our personas, the WHO made a really big difference.
  • PauloBotura
    PauloBotura Member Posts: 2 Seeker
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited November 2020

    Focusing on the technology part I always try to go for the customer preferred communication method. If they use MS-TEams as their official communication tool I ask to be added as a "guest user" to their Microsoft tenant so I can reach out to stakeholders and users through MSTeams. If they use Skype? The same. Slack? Same approach. And so on. 
    Firing personalized text messages through their preferred, daily use, communication tool is the best. Also great for getting spot-on feedback. But be aware that it is a 2-way channel. Easier to reach them out, easier to be reached out :) 

    Paulo Botura
    Cognite AS
    Original Message:
    Sent: 11-06-2020 07:55
    From: Jeff Breunsbach
    Subject: How do you reach your customers in a way that *ISNT* email?

    Our friend @Bodin Pollard posed this question in our CS Leadership Office Hours APAC...

    How do you reach your customers in a way that *ISNT* email?

    @Mark Latham
    @Rachel Jennings

    Jeff Breunsbach
    Founder, Gain Grow Retain
    Director of CX at Higher Logic
    Top 25 Influencer 2020
  • Shane Correa
    Shane Correa Member Posts: 2 Seeker
    edited November 2020
    Love this Alissa! I remember doing something similar to kick-start our user community. We had the support team nominate the most collaborative customers and invited them to online sessions. I like your approach to having them prep questions! It definitely drives engagement and it is also a non-stop source of customer topics.
  • Jordan Silverman
    Jordan Silverman Member, CS Leader Posts: 109 Expert
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Likes Photogenic
    edited November 2020
    One thing we have been doing with our partners and larger/strategic customers is building a Slack workflow. This has been a great way to do both high level communication and also troubleshoot on the go.

    We either have a channel within our workspace or even a workspace dedicated to the partnership.
    Jordan Silverman
    (914) 844-5775
  • Alissa Wilczynski
    Alissa Wilczynski Member Posts: 8 Contributor
    edited November 2020
    Once our system is capable of doing it, I'm also going to create an ideation thread (where people can upvote and submit ideas) around topics for our discussion meetups. That way, we know we're hosting discussions that have an interested audience.
  • Andrey Tirel
    Andrey Tirel Member Posts: 15 Thought Leader
    First Anniversary
    edited November 2020
    We offer various paid support plans and those included a private Slack channel with CS. Since we are in the security and DevOps side of the company, the typical user love it.
  • Chris Rosa
    Chris Rosa Member Posts: 6 Contributor
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited November 2020
    Heather, look at a tool like Zipwhip - which can text enable your existing work phone numbers and has a number of business tools like templates, group messaging (texting multiple numbers in individual threads) keywords, and auto-replies.