E-learning tool set up

Thomas Hussenet
Thomas Hussenet Member Posts: 9 Contributor
edited November 2020 in CS Technology
Hello all

With the aim to decrease the use of our professional services, increase self-support and give the opportunity to our clients and partners to increase their knowledge of all the features offered by our software, we deployed at the beginning of the year an E-learning platform.
As of now its scope is E-learning and certification (as the one you can get for Google Analytics for instance)

My concern today is related to the best use of license / cost of such tool so as to get the maximum of it without reaching sky scrapping costs
If you have such tool deployed, how is the licence structured?
- Do you have fee per user? per nominatived user?
- Do you have rolling fee, meaning x slots that can be used subsequently by different users?
- Do you give access for a given period to one user and then give it to another one? (But how to track progress in that case if you have different E-learning module?)
- How do you manage clients/users leaving their firm? (After X weeks without using the E-learning tool, they received incenctives to re-connect in first mails but then are kicked out?)
- ...

Any insight or tips would be more than useful

Besides, as of now E-learning is something we offer for all our client segments (as anything that can increase client knowledge and decrease use of my team support is welcome), however you might have made different choice to distinguish your offers?

Thanks a lot - Have a nice week


  • Heather Leventry
    Heather Leventry Member Posts: 5 Seeker
    Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited November 2020
    Great questions.
  • Ashton Liu
    Ashton Liu Member Posts: 29 Expert
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited November 2020
    Hi Thomas, 
    I'm in a slightly different situation as I'm currently speaking to a number of LMS vendors so that we can deploy a self directed e-learning option using an LMS early next year. As with your organization, we're aiming to make this available to all customers so as to minimize the demand for live training from our team (our customer base also has a good amount of turnover). So far, all of them charge by number of learner users per year or month. While I have not yet asked the specific questions that you have posed regarding rolling fees or transferring access and the implications for licensing fees, those may not make a huge difference for us as some vendors charge by user tiers (i.e., over 10k users is this much, over 20k users is that much, etc.). In addition, my goal is to facilitate single sign on from our documentation and resource hub, so we might be coming at this from slightly different places. Although if anyone has solutions or ideas for the questions you posed, I would also be interested in the answers! 

    On a related topic, I would like to know a bit more about how to plan and benchmark. I am going to want to evaluate our efforts compared to industry averages for metrics like completion rates. I would be very appreciative if anyone could point me in the right direction or provide a few helpful benchmarks. 

  • Donna Weber
    Donna Weber Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Photogenic Third Anniversary
    edited November 2020
    It sounds like you need a good go to market plan for your new eLearning offering. 
    I suggest providing "all you can eat" subscriptions for companies so you don't have to concern yourself with a lot of the questions you have, above.

    Here's a link to my article on go to market plans. 
    If You Build It They Won't Come. How to Construct a Go To Market Plan.

    Let me know if you want to chat.
