February 2, 2024 Week in Review

Heather Wendt
Heather Wendt HLAdmin, Member Posts: 329 Gain Grow Retain Staff
GGR Staff GGR Live!  Attendee 2024 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls

February 2, 2024

Happy Groundhog day (US and Canada)! According to Punxsutawney Phil, we are in for an early spring! As a couple of new storms prepare to roll into Colorado, I will believe it when I see it 😁.

As far as Gain Grow Retain goes, I am very excited about what is coming. We just launched our closed CS Leaders group, and have started an impressive line up of Office Hours hosts and blog content. And there is more we are planning, so hold onto your hats!

Gain Grow Retain continues to focus on Events, Best Practices, and Content that inspires, and this weekly wrap up helps make sure you are in the know.

**Be sure and share with a peer who can sign up to receive these here


🗨️ GGR CS Leadership Office Hours

The GGR Leadership Office Hours are a great way to connect with your peers through conversations about leading CS topics.

Our 2024 schedule is now available here, and our next meetup is Thursday, February 8th. @Anita Toth joins us to talk about "Using CS Customer Insights to take CS teams from vulnerable to valuable". Be sure to register!

🚀 ChurnZero's NYC RYG Workshop

March 14, 2024 from 12 to 5pm EST

Cost $125 (Seats are limited)

3-Hour Master Class focused on Digital Customer Success

Presenters: @Jeffrey Kushmerek, Ali Cudby, and @Heather Wendt

Event Information


Best Practices (Conversations)

Check out some of the great conversations happening on GGR. Click the title to see the full conversation and share your insights!

Things Customers Say On Their Way to Cancelling - AI Data

@BenB kicked off a great brainstorming conversation about using customer conversations to identify potential early warning signs that churn may be on the horizon. Share your experience with the statements customers often use that signal a problem!

Feedback Surveys

Have some thoughts about feedback surveys that bring actual value to customer insights? @Alice_Schofield is looking for some examples and thoughts about making this successful.

Where are your customer references?

We all know how valuable customer references are, but @Ryan HL is looking for examples of how others are maintaining a database to prevent overuse of a handleful of customers . Are you incentivising your process for utilizing and identifying customers for your program? Share your experience and thoughts!


📃 GGR Blog - How to Use Small Customer Insights to Get Large Customer Retention Wins

Anita Toth shares part 5 of a 9 part series, and this one focuses on how small wins can result in huge gains as they provide compounding impact. Customer insights are the foundation of this process.

💹 GGR CS Leadership Office Hours Summary - Navigating Change Management

Last week, Arjun Menon led the conversation around the importance of helping your customers adapt to change. Some great conversations followed with participants first identifying the areas that need to have a strategy for supporting change. Such as layoffs, tech roadblocks, and lack of growth and adoption. Groups then talked about how to help move customers through these situations successfully, sharing insights and opportunities.


Check out the stats on our GGR community for 2023!

(here is a small glimpse)

Does GGR need an "Introduce Yourself" thread?

With GGR gaining new members every month (we average close to 150 a month!), it got me thinking...do we need an 'Introduce yourself' thread where folks can go in and share some information about who they are and why they joined? Take a moment to share your thoughts in a poll. You can vote and then share more info in the comments. Would love to hear from you!

Now Launched! CS Leaders Group

Are you a CS Leader who has been missing the ability to connect directly with other leaders? GGR hears you and wants to help. In this new group, members are vetted before being allowed to join, ensuring that you 1) know that you are talking directly to peers, and 2) have conversations that are not part of the entire GGR membership (your conversations are private!)

If this is something that you would benefit from, take a moment to fill out a quick form so we can review your request and get you in this private area within GGR! Access the form here

Contributors Wanted

Did you know almost all of our content is User Generated? That means it comes from people like you who are working in the CS space day in and day out. Are you interested in becoming a contributor? Learn more here

Office Hours Hosting Spots Available

Have a topic you would like to bring to your peers for discussion and collaboration? Our Leadership Office Hours are a great way to start the conversation, and the good news is, you are spending just a few minutes introducing it to kick off the conversation. Sound interesting? Take a moment to share your interest here.


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