March 8, 2024 Week in Review

Heather Wendt
Heather Wendt HLAdmin, Member Posts: 336 Gain Grow Retain Staff
100 Likes Second Anniversary 25 Insightfuls 10 Comments

March 8, 2024

Springtime always feels like a fresh start. I read a post recently on LinkedIn where someone shared that for them, spring was a better time to make changes rather than New Years. New years is likely when we might experiencethe post-holiday let down along with the Northern Hemisphere's short days and often dreary weather. It can feel more like a time to hunker down and endure.

Spring, though...even here in the Rockies where we are still getting snow (and likely will for the next couple of months), we are seeing the sun more frequently. Between storms, the temperature is higher. The days are getting longer and in the lower elevations trees are starting to bud. It just feels hopeful and fresh!

It might just be the right time to revisit some long-implemented programs and begin seeing them with fresh eyes for iterating or expanding!


🗨️ GGR CS Leadership Office Hours

The GGR Leadership Office Hours are a great way to connect with your peers through conversations about leading CS topics.

Wondering if it is worth it? Here is some feedback from our latest event:

These present a unique opportunity to bounce ideas off other professionals. The format is great, just enough of a start to get us in the right mindset, time for collaboration and close with key takeaways. Thank you for hosting these, I look forward to more!

Our 2024 schedule is now available here, and our next meetup is Thursday, March 21th and will led by @Ed Powers .

Be sure to register!


Office Hours Hosting Spots Available

Have a topic you would like to bring to your peers for discussion and collaboration? Our Leadership Office Hours are a great way to start the conversation, and the good news is, you are spending just a few minutes introducing it to kick off the conversation. Sound interesting? Take a moment to share your interest here.


🚀 ChurnZero's NYC RYG Workshop

March 14, 2024 from 12 to 5pm EST

Cost $125 (Seats are limited)


3-Hour Master Class focused on Digital Customer Success

Presenters: @Jeffrey Kushmerek, Ali Cudby, and @Heather Wendt

Event Information



💥 Higher Logic Super Forum 2024

Higher Logic's 14th annual Super Forum returns April 10-12, 2024 to National Harbor (near Washington DC), with two full days of sessions to help you discover the SPARK that connects the dots between community and your customers.

This event is not limited to Higher Logic customers, and will have sessions focused on using community to support 1:many programs, build brand advocates, and drive engagement, all through the power of reaching your customers with the information they need when they need it.

Learn more and register!

Best Practices (Conversations)

Check out some of the great conversations happening on GGR. Click the title to see the full conversation and share your insights!


Combining Sales and Customer Success Into One

@Jeff Heckler kicked off our new Thought Leadership Corner series with a bang💥! This discussion about whether account management and customer success should be combined is one that is happening, and he wanted to bring it to our GGR members. He shares the two sides of this argument along with the potential benefits and risks that are associated with such a move. Which side are you leaning towards? Share your insights!


Calling all using Gainsight

@Brian O'Keeffe is looking for some information about Gainsight (which his new role requires) and was hoping for some tips, tricks, advice, and best practices from those who are more versant in it. Have some guidance for Brian? Be sure to hop on the thread and share it!


Buying Process

@AnthonyEm would love to have some examples of how other companies are handling their buying process. From the very start where you have very limited information through the contract, what processes do you use? If you could also share whether you are a start up, SMB/Midsize or Enterprise to help understand how that process changes, it would be appreciated!


1st Quarter Introductions

Just a reminder that this is the last month for our first quarter introduction thread! GGR has grown dramatically just in the 2 years I have been here (we have added 5,200 new members in that time!) and it can be difficult to know who else is in the community.

If you haven't taken time yet to hop on and share a bit about who you are (regardless of how long you have been here), click the link and learn about your peers and share a bit about yourself!


📃Blog Post

Redesigning the Relationship Between Customer Success and Marketing

@Jared Orr brings some insights around why these two teams need to collaborate more in order to meet the everchanging needs of the customer as they move through their journey with your product.

This article shares some practical examples of those customer needs along with some ideas on where to focus this collaborative relationship.

Read more here


Customer Success Compensation Models

@Jeffrey Kushmerek shared a content piece that brings the value! There has been conversations both within GGR and outside in LinkedIn, etc. surrounding incentive-based models. This document helps you determine whether this is something that is relevant based on your teams' maturity and walks you through building a program that works.

Check it out here!


Have a GGR story?

Has the GGR community inspired, helped, or impacted you? We would love to hear how! Share your story here.


Now Launched! CS Leaders Group

Are you a CS Leader who has been missing the ability to connect directly with other leaders? GGR hears you and wants to help. In this new group, members are vetted before being allowed to join, ensuring that you 1) know that you are talking directly to peers, and 2) have conversations that are not part of the entire GGR membership (your conversations are private!)

If this is something that you would benefit from, take a moment to fill out a quick form so we can review your request and get you in this private area within GGR! Access the form here.

Member Highlights

Congratulations to all of our Members Moving Up the Ranks!


@Julie Fox, @dvavrichek, @Pat Farr, @kcooke315, @HeatherTruettner, and @perfectiongeeks


@Diane Gordon @Allastair Meffen

Welcome to Our New Members!

@MattewPower, @Angelica Suarez, @christine.nielsen, @AnthonyEm, @Adeena, @alicja.surzyn, @Callym Yates, @PHoloszyc, @perfectiongeeks, @CoreyAk33, @ronnih, @TomP, @Mario Pelz, @DorthyWood, @Ben_Dutkiewicz16, @KatGarza2024, @Pat Farr, @Toni Dingwall, @chipan, @KristanH, @Becca A., @MWNieland, @RafDer, @rrobinson, @Kris King, @Chrissy

Celebrating Anniversaries!

1st Year


3rd Year

@Karen Bros@Greg Aim1, @Seth Wylie, @tjwwheel, @shuts

*Learn more about the ranks of GGR here@shuts


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