Week in Review - August 9, 2024

Heather Wendt
Heather Wendt HLAdmin, Member Posts: 335 Gain Grow Retain Staff
100 Likes Second Anniversary 25 Insightfuls 10 Comments
edited August 9 in GGR Cafe

August 9, 2024

Some great things coming up for Gain Grow Retain! 1 Demopalooza and 2 live events in September, upgrades to our Job Board to make connecting to the right job more efficient, a Happy Hour at ChurnZero’s ZERO-IN event in October, and of course our ongoing programming and events.

Have you checked out GGR lately? We have a lot going on 😊


🗨️ GGR CS Leadership Office Hours

The GGR Leadership Office Hours are a great way to connect with your peers through conversations about leading CS topics.

Wondering if it is worth it? Here is some feedback from our latest event:

I appreciated the opportunity to connect with a bunch of people interested in CS and how we can improve things for our customers!

Our 2024 schedule is now available here, and our next meetup is Thursday, August 22 and will be led by @Jeremy Donaldson.

Be sure to register


GGR Demopalooza

I am excited to announce that our 2024 Demopalooza is happening starting September 10th! If you missed it last year, we brought together a whole group of vendors who shared demos with over 500 attendees (almost 1,000 registrants!).

If you are looking at adding software to your tech stack, this is an easy way to see products in action without the hassle of setting up meetings or joining a marketing funnel. Instead, join to see the products you are considering, and if you are interested in learning more, let us know and we will help connect you! Keep an eye out for registration information within the next week, but in the meantime, be sure to save the date!

Are you part of a tech company that serves the CS community and want to get your product out there? This is a great way to do one 20-minute demo that is seen by hundreds! Talk about scale!😊 Once the event is over, we can host your video on GGR along with a “Learn More” link to drive leads. Oh, and if you are interested, GGR is looking for companies to join our sponsors and help us make this event a success! Reach out the heather@gaingrowretain.com to learn more about the process and to get signed up!


GGR Live! Austin

It’s official! We are coming to Austin on September 17. This is a great opportunity to network with your leadership peers, hear from a panel of experts, and then break into smaller groups to talk about issues that leaders are facing.

Learn More and Register!


GGR Live! Denver is still happening! Just confirming a few things and we will get that event launched as well. Looking at September 24, 25, or 26th! This one was absolutely epic last year, and promises to be even better! Keep an eye out for more info soon!


ChurnZero ZERO-IN
ChurnZero's annual customer success leadership conference (formerly BYG RYG) is happening in Washington DC this year on October 16 & 17, and GGR is hosting a Happy Hour! If you have been considering coming, be sure to take advantage of both the Early Bird pricing (through September 3rd) AND a specially GGR member discount for an additional 20% off! Hope to see you there!

Discount Code for additional 20% off: ZI-PARTFRND

Best Practices (Conversations)

Check out some of the great conversations happening on GGR. Click the title to see the full conversation and share your insights!

Thought Leadership Corner

Creating Value for Highest Paying Customers
We want to retain all of our customers, but retaining those with our highest ARR is a priority to our business. So, we have a high touch experience for them, but what else can we do to create value? We provide content that meets needs, grows usage, and addresses industry practices. What ways is content making a difference in driving your customer experience? Share your thoughts and ideas here!


CSM Variable Compensation
Lots of things are changing in the world of CS compensation, and @Justin Voellmann has asked for some examples of how variable comp can be structured. How are you ensuring that you are creating a fair structure despite differences in books of business? Share your insights and thoughts on this very relevant topic!


Staying out of the weeds and in the strategy
What techniques are you using to make sure as a leader you are focusing on strategy and not getting unintentionally pulled down into the weeds?
Share your techniques with your peers!


Cost of NRR increases
@Andy Chandler is looking for models to show the difference in cost for increasing NRR and new sales. He is working to identify which focus has the most bang for the sales and marketing budget to prove prioritization decisions. Share your thoughts!


Office Hours Conversation – Are You AI Ready?
A couple of weeks ago @Jake McKee joined GGR’s Office Hours to talk about how bringing AI to the table isn’t just a quick decision. His focus was on the basics that need to occur before building out AI to avoid AI for the sake of AI. What are you seeing as necessary consideration during planning, and what areas seem to be a jump first, plan later process? Take a moment to hop in and share your insights!


Do you make decisions based on assumptions or facts?
@Ed Powers asks us to think beyond the basic assumptions we often see in CS (Faster TTV always means lower churns, every touchpoint impacts customer loyalty) and move into making fact-based decisions from your own data. What ways have you challenged the conventional wisdom, and what have been the results?


3rd Quarter Introductions
A new quarter, and that means a new space to introduce yourself! Take a moment to share who you are in our new space!


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