Tips & Tricks to Customer Onboarding

Asha Pulikkal
Asha Pulikkal Member Posts: 1 Seeker
edited October 2023 in Customer Journey
Hello CS Team,
Just wondering if you have any templates, tips & tricks to share around the customer journey mapping & onboarding. 

Some questions to consider -
1. Do you send the Welcome letter? If YES, what phase of the journey you do that? For e.g. Post contract sign-off or Implementation etc.
2. What's the content of the Welcome Package.
3. Is there a standard process you follow to have a streamlined transition within the teams and ensure a smooth CX.

Asha Pulikkal


  • Tevin Broner
    Tevin Broner Member Posts: 4 Seeker
    edited November 2020

    This is something that me and my team is trying to figure out currently.

    We use Intercom. Right now we're creating time-based messages, and then the action-based messages. Then a combo of both.

  • Jarren Pinchuck
    Jarren Pinchuck Member Posts: 38 Expert
    edited November 2020
    Hi Asha, 

    Journey mapping would be quite specific to your product, industry and customers so it's challenging to give you a one size fits all template.
    If you ask the question of what you're trying to achieve by putting this together, you'll start to understand more of what you need.

    To answer some of your questions.
    1. When the customer signs the deal with sales they receive an automated email from the sales team to say congratulations. Attached to that email is what I call a "Customer Playbook" document.
      1. This doc is a pdf version of a deck which has information about the company, about the product and then gives a high level of what to expect over the coming months after signing.
      2. What this does is inform the customer but also sets expectations early on in the piece. After they've just signed a deal, for them to know what happens next is great CX.
    2. Then the CSMs will contact the customer within 24-hours of signing to introduce themselves and set up the initial "get to know you call".
    3. During this call, the CSMs will do a deep dive to understand the customer and their desired outcomes. They will also run the customer through the Playbook to make sure everyone is on the same page.
    We use internal Playbooks which guide CSMs on what we do with the customer during different lifecycle phases. Majority of the items in each playbook are there because they add value for the customer or solve a problem the customer may experience during that phase.

    Hope this helps. If you have more specific questions please let me know.

  • Pam Micznik
    Pam Micznik Member Posts: 50 Expert
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited November 2020

    Hi Asha,

    Onboarding can have so many flavors. If this product affects more than one user, you'll want:

    1. Champion onboarding
    2. Change Management to ensure everyone is aligned for SUCCESS and then USES it after rollout.
    3. Administrator onboarding (and training)
    4. End User onboarding (and training)

    Customer Education is key (meaning training your customers so CSMs don't have to say the same thing over and over). Let me know if you have questions.

    Zenya Learning LLC
    Pam Micznik
    Managing Director
    Original Message:
    Sent: 11-10-2020 17:53
    From: Asha Pulikkal
    Subject: Tips & Tricks to Customer Onboarding

    Hello CS Team,
    Just wondering if you have any templates, tips & tricks to share around the customer journey mapping & onboarding. 

    Some questions to consider -
    1. Do you send the Welcome letter? If YES, what phase of the journey you do that? For e.g. Post contract sign-off or Implementation etc.
    2. What's the content of the Welcome Package.
    3. Is there a standard process you follow to have a streamlined transition within the teams and ensure a smooth CX.

    Asha Pulikkal
  • Farouq Aldori
    Farouq Aldori Member Posts: 5 Seeker
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited November 2020
    Right now on my main SaaS we are doing a combination of emails and in-app messages. Mind you our software is mostly self-serve.
    1. After sign up we send a welcome email that is triggered immediately with a CTA to the most valuable step they must take next (in our case is connecting their data). We also show a small pop-up message after signing up with essentially the same CTA as the email.
    2. IF the user is onboarded, we send a small "congratulations" message in-app, then we begin a sequence for product adoption.
    3. IF the user is not onboarded, we send sending nurturing emails on how they can get value from the app. 
    4. After the user arrives at the "Aha" moment, we ask for their feedback with a small pop up where they can rate their experience. 
    5. If the response is 4+ stars, we ask them to leave a review on the app store (very important!) 
    6. We send weekly "digest" emails about how they are performing depending on specific conditions. For example, "you have completed x amount of orders this week, good job!"
    This is just a quick summary, we have a few different branches as well in the automation sequences, but the most important thing is getting product coverage and ensuring that the customer knows that they are getting value out of the product. ?

    Customer success made easy.
    Farouq Aldori, Founder
    Original Message:
    Sent: 11-10-2020 17:53
    From: Asha Pulikkal
    Subject: Tips & Tricks to Customer Onboarding

    Hello CS Team,
    Just wondering if you have any templates, tips & tricks to share around the customer journey mapping & onboarding. 

    Some questions to consider -
    1. Do you send the Welcome letter? If YES, what phase of the journey you do that? For e.g. Post contract sign-off or Implementation etc.
    2. What's the content of the Welcome Package.
    3. Is there a standard process you follow to have a streamlined transition within the teams and ensure a smooth CX.

    Asha Pulikkal