July 19, 2024 - Week in Review

Heather Wendt
Heather Wendt HLAdmin, Member Posts: 336 Gain Grow Retain Staff
100 Likes Second Anniversary 25 Insightfuls 10 Comments

July 19, 2024

I have been working on some side programs in Higher Logic Vanilla focused on providing upskilling for our customers. This has me thinking about the important role it plays in decreasing Time to Value, increasing adoption and engagement – all of which lead to a decrease in churn.

Customer Education isn’t just something that occurs during onboarding (although it is critical during this time!), and instead is an ongoing part of the customer journey. With 67% of customers desiring self-service, are we giving them the bare bones content they need to resolve issues or are we moving into a space where we are giving them information they don’t even know they need to know?

What are ways your teams and companies are moving away from a reactive content/education program and into a more strategic mode that anticipates needs and helps grow our customers beyond what they know right now? We don’t know what we don’t know, and it is up to us to help shine the light on the unknown but necessary for success.


🗨️ GGR CS Leadership Office Hours
The GGR Leadership Office Hours are a great way to connect with your peers through conversations about leading CS topics.

Wondering if it is worth it? Here is some feedback from our latest event:

I appreciated the opportunity to connect with a bunch of people interested in CS and how we can improve things for our customers!

Our 2024 schedule is now available here, and our next meetup is Thursday, July 25 and will be led by Jake McKee.

Be sure to register


GGR Demopalooza
I am excited to announce that our 2024 Demopalooza is happening starting September 10th! If you missed it last year, we brought together a whole group of vendors who shared demos with over 500 attendees (almost 1,000 registrants!).

If you are looking at adding software to your tech stack, this is an easy way to see products in action without the hassle of setting up meetings or joining a marketing funnel. Instead, join to see the products you are considering, and if you are interested in learning more, let us know and we will help connect you! Keep an eye out for registration information within the next week, but in the meantime, be sure to save the date!

Are you part of a tech company that serves the CS community and want to get your product out there? This is a great way to do one 20-minute demo that is seen by hundreds! Talk about scale! 😊 Once the event is over, we can host your video on GGR along with a “Learn More” link to drive leads. Oh, and if you are interested, GGR is looking for companies to join our sponsors and help us make this event a success! Reach out the heather@gaingrowretain.com to learn more about the process and to get signed up!


GGR Live! Denver and Austin
Very excited to announce that we are finalizing dates for our next two GGR Live! events! Austin is going to be happening the 2nd or 3rd week of September, and Denver will be that last full week of September. Once we finalize our locations we will get the official dates sent out with registration capabilities.

Looking forward to bringing CS leaders together in these two great cities to network and talk about relevant CS topics!

Best Practices (Conversations)

Check out some of the great conversations happening on GGR. Click the title to see the full conversation and share your insights!

A Fresh Invitation to Write a Blog for GGR
GGR is a space for our members to share knowledge, and that includes our content! If you have always wanted to write about a topic but didn’t have a space to share it, this is for you! If you already write a blog and would like more eyes on it, we want you! Whatever your situation, if you are writing on topics that are relevant to CS, we would love to spotlight it to our members (all 12k of them!). Simply click this link and fill out the form and we will get back to you and get it scheduled!


GGR Job Board
Did you know that GGR has a job board and that there is activity on it? If not, take a moment to check it out here! This is a job board created for CS roles only and gives potential employers an opportunity to review potential candidates based on skill matching. If you haven’t created a profile yet, be sure to jump in and get started! OH! We are also in the process of adding some very cool new opportunities in the coming weeks to help job seekers even more, so stay tuned!


Tech to support the entire Revenue Org
Are you using tech that is helping support your revenue organization? If so, @Minna Vaisanene would love to hear how it is working for you!


Office Hours Conversation – Customer Experience
@Julie Fox joined GGR’s Office Hours to talk about the customer experience. Her focus was on cross-functional work for consistency in the experience and memorable experience you have seen either in a company or as a customer yourself. Take a moment to hop in and share your insights!


Could Someone Give me Advise on Improving Customer Retention Rates in SaaS Companies?Improving retention rates and reducing churn are a top priority for everyone. Sometimes you have the data, but implementing the changes needed are an obstacle. Can you share some of your thoughts and ideas with @lizaclarraa to help with practices that work? Looking forward to seeing what others are doing!


Hiring Assessment for CSM
@Toni Tayloris looking at what others are using to assess CSM roles. Are you using one, or maybe have seen a good one that could be shared here?


3rd Quarter Introductions
A new quarter, and that means a new space to introduce yourself! Take a moment to share who you are in our new space!


Blog - Become Your Company’s Customer Retention ExpertIn thislast of a 9 part series, @Anita Toth does a high level view on the learnings from the previous 8 articles and includes some expert tips you can use to run a customer retention strategy that gets you predictable results. With retention being a huge area of focus for most companies, this series is a must read!


Have a GGR story?

Has the GGR community inspired, helped, or impacted you? We would love to hear how! Share your story here.

Member Highlights
Welcome to Our New Members!

Congratulations to our Members Moving Up the Ranks!
@Rodrigo Bremm
@Chad McNeal
@Kris King

@Justin Chappell

Celebrating Anniversaries!
1st Year
@John Gray

2nd Year
@Irwin Hunter

3rd Year
@Chris Guzek


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